Lust to Love to Loss

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I smiled instantly when I woke up. I felt more in live with Harry than ever before. He was always on my mind. He filled my dreams and my thoughts everyday. I loved him but I always worried about when we would go our separate ways. We had only 5 weeks left. He would go back to Cheshire with his dad and mom. Then I smiled again, I was meeting them both tonight because they were coming over for dinner at 4. Then I looked at my clock, how late was it? 1:30. I needed to get ready. I walked to my bathroom. Yes, my bathroom. I peeled my pajamas off and turned on my shower. I stepped in and shampooed, condition, washed my body, and washed my face. I turned the water off and wrapped myself in one of the plush towels on the shelf. I brushed my teeth and applied a berry face mask. Sitting down on the floor, I grabbed a nail polish from the vanity in there, a tealish-blue and painted my fingers and toes. After removing my face mask, I blow dried my hair. I stared in the mirror. What was I going to do with my hair? I grabbed a curling wand and plugged it in, waiting for it to warm up. I separated my thick, copper hair and started to curl it. After a half hour, the top half of my body was ready but I needed to find something to wear. I walked back to my room and dug through my closet, which was fairly empty because I rarely wore dresses. I chose a knee length dress that was greenish-blue and fit to my curves in all the right places.

At 4 I heard Harry's parents walk in and greet my family. I put black sandals on and walked to the stairs. Harry's loud, booming voice vanished as I walked down the stairs. He greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered. I could feel myself blushing. We sat down as my aunt placed dinner on the table. Harry and I sat down next to each other, my parents and his across from each other, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins filled in.

"Mmmm this is very good, Lillian." Harry's father said.

"Thank you."

After dinner, we all went out onto the deck as the sun set. Everything was going smoothly until my mother spoke up.

"So Mr. Styles, what do you do for a living?"

"Well I own the biggest potato farm in Idaho and I hope that Harry here follows in my footsteps." He said with a smile.

"Well Harry, do you plan on continuing your father's business?" My mother said.

"Actually, I want to be a singer." I gripped Harry's hand a little tighter. He was taking a large risk defying his father's wishes.

"Yes Harry, but the thing is is that being a singer is not very practical. My business is endless money, Harry. That's why it's more ideal to join my business." His father stated.

"Why don't you let me pursue my dreams? You have the money to get me started. Why not use it?" Harry questioned.

"Son, we know that being a singer will only be a dream. Not a reality."

"Why can't I try to follow my dream though?"

"Because your dream is not practical. How will you support a family? Or yourself?"

"Dad, you have to struggle before you succeed."

"Harry, we are not going to further discuss this."


"Harry, no more." I felt Harry's pride die a little as an uncomfortable silence settled over us.

Too soon the dinner was over and Harry and his parents left, bidding goodbye and thank you's. I said goodnight to everyone and walked upstairs to my room. I got ready to go to the beach.

'Hey, you ready to go?" I texted to Harry. It was 10:30. I checked all the social media and at 10:45, I still hadn't gotten an answer. I resent the message. Finally at 11:30, I got an answer.

'Idk if we should meet.'

'Harry I'm heading to the beach we need to talk.'


I climbed down the trellis as fast my legs would allow. I turned on flashlight because clouds had filled the sky and blocked the moon's light. I saw Harry and as I got closer, I saw his face. He had a bruise on the right side of his face that spread into his eye. I gasped.

"Harry what happened?!"

"My father hit me for tonight's argument." I grabbed his hand and we started to walk down the beach. As we sat down on the sand, I touched the subject I knew I shouldn't have.

"Why'd you have to defy your father tonight?" He was silent, "seriously Harry. None of this would have happened if you had kept your mouth shut. You embarrassed him by being so defiant."

"Do you think I care if he's embarrassed?! I could care less. He doesn't give a damn if he embarrasses me!"

"But Harry he's your father. You have to respect him."

"Well I'm his 17 year old son. He should respect me, Corinne!"

"I fucking understand Harry! My mother is the same way! Your going to be 18 soon. Then he can't tell you what to do! Just quit being such an ass to him until then!" Now I was yelling at him and I was starting to feel bad.

"Don't you care how I feel?"

"Of course I do. I UNDERSTAND how you feel but you don't understand how I feel. You're not listening to ME." Silence fell over us. But Harry spoke.

"I wish you would just understand......"

"Harry, I do understand."

"Well obviously you don't if we're arguing like this......" His words stung, "I had a feeling this wouldn't last..." He muttered.

"Harry, don't say that..." He stood up grabbing my hand. Harry pulled me close to him. I softened at his touch.

"Corinne, it was going end eventually." He whispered in my ear.

"I don't want it to end..." A tear slipped down my cheek. Harry tipped my chin up to kiss me. His kiss was soft and quick. I knew he was saying goodbye. I started to cry.

"Harry, please no."

"Corrine, it would have ended sooner or later..." He said, wiping away my tears.

"But love is endless. We can make it work, it'll be okay...."

"Corinne, love, I love you so much. I gave you my first time. You make me so happy, I think about you night and day. You're my other half. I don't want this to end either but it was going to someday..." He trailed off as tears began to roll down his face. He pulled me closer and I buried my face in his chest, crying.

"Please no, no, no, no, no." I said starting to get hysterical.

"I know....I know....." He said. He let me go but grabbed my hand and kissed my fingertips. I laughed through the tears but he let my hand go, the moment- short lived.

"I love you." He said turning away.

"I love you too....." He started to walk away, "Please....please...please....please."He was walking away. I said his name over and over and over but he never turned around. I sunk into the sand and sobbed. I was so upset I couldn't even cry out loud.

After about an hour I got up and walked home. I climbed up the trellis and into my bed. I cried until 5:30, then I gently settled into sleep.

I had just lost Harry forever. My aunt, mother, and cousin were full of questions and I had to tell them what happened even though I was dying. My dreams the next week and a half were a continuous replay of him saying goodbye and I woke up sobbing every single time. If I wanted me and Harry together again, I had three weeks to figure out how.


Hey readers! There will be a few more chapters before the book is done! Hope you're enjoying!! :D

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