Chapter 2 - The Nurse Meets The King

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It seemed like it was rather short notice for me to go to Graceland the day after I was told about all this. I figured, though, that Midge intentionally kept this from me as to save the news as a rather large birthday present. But still, a bit of a hint that I would be meeting and taking care of my favorite star would have been nice.

Taking in a large breath of courage, I stepped up the stairs in front of the mansion. I had only seen it from the road when driving by, dreaming I could someday go into it, so seeing it up close was quite the experience. And, dream fulfilled. I wouldn't just be going in it, I would be living in it, that is, if I got the job. They had seen my records and resume, so hopefully they were impressed. That little red mark, though... hopefully that wouldn't be too much of a problem. A person just can't help who they fall in love with.

At the door that had a black screen in front of it, I held my breath. As I did so, I could hear something coming from the inside... singing. Familiar singing. Elvis singing. I would know his voice anywhere, and so would most of the country. Or the world.

"Oh Lord in heaven, he's in there..." I muttered. Why wouldn't he be, though? This was his home, and it had been for twenty years almost exactly since he bought it in the spring of 1957. It was mid-June.

I had to knock. They were expecting me. Elvis didn't want a nurse, so hopefully after meeting me, he would change his mind.

"Just do it," I ordered myself and straightened out my gray suit coat that was a part of a coat and skirt ensemble, and I pressed my shoulder-length blonde hair just for good measure. Time to meet the King.

I opened the screen door, my heart racing and my organs falling all over each other inside of me. I couldn't show nervousness. I had to be professional.

"Lord, give me strength. Please," I pleaded in a low whisper, then knocked. God knew I was nervous out of my mind. I would do my best not to lose it when I meet Elvis.

Someone came to the door, and I held my breath as a man answered the door. It was Vernon Presley, Elvis's father who had been by his side in everything since Elvis was born, and was especially always there after he got famous, after Gladys Presley passed, on until now. He was the manager to Elvis Presley Enterprises, and had been since Elvis first became famous.

Vernon's face wrinkled in a friendly and fatherly smile. "Hello, you must be Karen Nielson. Come in, come in."

"Thank you," I said, managing it due to trying to hold in my excitement.

Elvis's father extended his arm, and I walked on into the entryway to the mansion. Immediately, stairs faced me, and I looked to my left and saw a beautiful dining room with a polished wooden table, and to my right the living room that had a white carpet and white sofas. I clutched my nurse bag that doubled as my purse - it had everything from lipstick to my wallet, to a stethoscope, gloves and painkillers.

"Oh, wow..." I couldn't help but slip in awe.

"Nice place, huh?" Mr. Presley asked as he shut the door and came up to me. He still had that smile on his face, showing wrinkles near his eyes and mouth. I could see the stress that the man went through in the past twenty years. I also saw distinct similarities between him and Elvis, mainly the blue eyes and cheekbones. "It's a pleasure, Miss Nielson," he said, and I shook his hand, which was pretty soft and strong.

"Thank you, Mr. Presley."

"Please, call me Vernon. And thank you so much for takin' time out of your busy schedule to meet with us today."

"It was certainly my pleasure. I admit, this took me by surprise quite a bit after being told about it just last night, but I jumped on the opportunity."

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