Epilogue - Eight Years Later: 1985

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Aaron let out a long, agitated sigh as he, myself, and his younger sister sat with the other spectators to this high school graduation. I nudged him in the arm, and he looked up at me with his big blue eyes. His blonde hair was coiffed, but he messed it up again just to spite me. Really, this seven-year-old boy drove me up the wall, but I loved him to death. He was the spitting image of his father when he was young.

"This is your older sister's high school graduation," I chided him in a low whisper as the principal of the school was speaking. "Behave yourself."

"But it's so boring, Mom," he whined. "When can we go home?"

"After it's over."

He huffed and folded his arms. His sister looked over at him as she sat on his left. She was two years younger than him and had blonde hair as well. "Aaron, you need to be happy. Daddy's gonna be here soon."

"Shh!" I hushed her, leaning close to both of them. "That's a surprise. No one is supposed to know."

"Sorry, Momma."

"It's okay, sweety. Now, let's continue watching and listening, okay? They've started to call names. Listen for your sister's."

We sat back as the students in long blue graduation gowns and blue hats came up to the stage one-by-one to receive their diplomas. This was an outdoor graduation in mid-June in Memphis, so it was warm and sunny. It was held in the field next to the school property.

The principal called a few more names, and then soon ended with the Z's. Lisa's name was never called. Actually, it was the plan that she would be called after everyone else. Her names was called, and the crowd went absolutely nuts. My little family clapped, as did the Memphis Mafia who were standing near us to guard us. Of course, the Presley family needed protection. Vernon was sitting on my right, and he was clapping as well.

Lisa went to the pulpit, but the principle didn't hand her her diploma. The principal said into the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, a special guest will be handing Miss Lisa Marie Presley her diploma." He paused for a moment to build the anticipation. "Her father will be handing it to her."

The crowd started hollering as the principal stepped down the stage as Lisa stood there, grinning, and out from behind the curtain set up behind the pulpit came the man that the whole world went crazy over, the man who always wanted to be there for his daughter's high school graduation... and the man who was my husband and love of my life since I was fourteen years old. He was fifty years old now, and he looked his age, but his hair was still dyed black, and he thinned out thirty pounds since I first started taking care of him in '77. The care paid off, but he was still weak and needed to constantly be on oxygen... but today, the machine wasn't there. He wanted this to be a special moment for everyone.

The whole crowd still cheered when Elvis waved at everyone, and he said into the pulpit while having an arm around his eighteen-year-old daughter, "Ladies and gentleman, it's an honor to be here, to be a part of my precious daughter's high school graduation. Congratulations to her and all you kids graduatin' today." He handed her the diploma, and they hugged. The press was right up to the stage, taking pictures and videos for the news. "I love you, baby," we heard Elvis say since he was right near the microphone. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Daddy."

They let go, and he said into the microphone, "I wanna say somethin' to you kids goin' out to the world... Remember to make a difference. Don't be afraid to be yourself, be happy, and keep those you love close. I promise ya, it will make all the difference. Oh, and remember to always listen to some good music." He got laughter from that one. "Thank you, everyone, and God bless."

The crowd went nuts again, and Elvis went back through the curtain, and Lisa went with him. Nobody in the audience, not even our family or his close friends, knew what would befall him just a week later. It was a comfort, though, that I was able to help him live longer than anyone thought he would, and he was able to continue to make others happy for a few extra years. He was able to marry me, have two more children, and go on that world tour that he always wanted to go on. He lived a good life, and the world would forever miss him.





"Once every several centuries of mankind, God sends somebody special. A wakeup call. Somebody to enlighten the people in the ways to be. Somebody to excite the people. Somebody to bring people together. A gift from God. That He sent to show people how to be. How to love."
~ Johnathan Moffett.


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