Chapter 3 - Getting Acquainted with Graceland

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The room was spectacular, with a poster bed and burgundy and golden sheets in a swirl pattern. The walls were cream-colored, but the dresser, lamps, paintings, curtains and even the little clock on the nightstand matched the color scheme in the room.

I blew air out of my mouth as I still looked around and as I pulled a white blouse out of my suitcase, in awe. The window had a view of the back fields where horses were grazing. I also saw some men out there playing football. They were Elvis's Memphis Mafia of cousins and good friends, Red and Sonny West as cousins, and Jerry Schilling as a best friend of Elvis's since his teen years. They all were out there, plus a few more men. They lived here as well.

What a family home Graceland was. Even the housekeeper and maid lived on the property, as well as Elvis's current girlfriend, or fiancé, Ginger Alden. I learned that little Lisa Marie would arrive in a week after her school year ended. She would spend the summer here with her father. The school year was spent with her mother in California.

Elvis had a crazy life. And I was now a part of it. It made my head whirl.

I went to the closet and hung up some of my blouses and suits. I had three skirt-suits and two pant-suits. While I was in the house, I would wear my slacks and pencil skirts to appear professional. Elvis liked people to be looking nice when going about the house. Jeans were even a no-no. Well, I didn't like jeans, anyway. Dresses, skirts and slacks were my main choices, and as casual wear, I just wore slimming slacks, not work ones.

There was a knock on the door. Since I was decent, I felt it alright to tell the person to come in. I turned my head to see who came in, and my eyes widened. Priscilla? No, it wasn't her. Priscilla was in California.

"Hello," this very beautiful young women with long brown hair said with a smile. She had a beautiful, rounded face. "I'm Ginger Alden, Elvis's fiancé."

My mouth turned into an O. "Oh, hello!" I rounded the bed and shook her soft hand, and I noticed a nice perfume on her. "It's so great to meet you!"

"And I you. When I heard from Elvis that the new nurse was here moving in, I had to come and say hello." She still had my hand, and she held it in both of hers. "Thank you so, so much for being willing to do this. Elvis wasn't thrilled in the least, but after he found out that Vernon hired you, he warmed up to it. He may be stubborn, but his father is even more so. It's the Presley genes."

She giggled. She was so pretty, it was unfair. Elvis really did involve himself with the most beautiful women. But Ginger here seemed like a nice gal. She looked like she could be twenty or thereabouts. Well, he loved his young women, too. She was half his age!

"I suppose so," I said, and our hands dropped. She folded her arms.

"So, you're settling in alright?"

"I am. I'm putting my clothes away. I didn't bring much, just necessities, along with my nursing supplies. It's going to be odd not working at the hospital for the next indefinite amount of time, but it's nice to be doing something a little different."

"I, too, don't pack much when I stay here. Just a bag."

My brows rose. "Oh, you don't live here?"

"No. I just visit quite often. So, it has to be nice to be the personal nurse to your favorite star, huh?"

She didn't live here, she just visited. That was a bit surprising since everyone close to Elvis lived on the property. "Yeah, it's really thrilling. I about passed out when I first met him."

She giggled again, a sound that was very girly. Well, she was a girl and about fifteen years younger than me. "I did, almost, too," she said as we both sat on the edge of the bed, facing each other. "When I first met him last November. I met him here, actually, when a mutual friend of ours wanted Elvis to meet me and my sister. The funny thing is, this friend thought Elvis would go after my older sister Terry, but he went after me. I was shocked."

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