Chapter 12 - Elvis (Finally) in the Hospital

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To my knowledge, Elvis didn't have a heart attack until the one that took his life. This one is just fictional. It's to show that Elvis really should've had this kind of help originally. Also, the "special fan" story that is mentioned in this chapter actually happened. There's a YouTube video of it.

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The press caught wind of Elvis going to the hospital rather quickly. The first slew of reporters showed up around 7am, which was just enough time for everyone to go home, change, and come back. Also, we received word that Elvis's manager Colonel Tom Parker was flying over as fast as possible. It was also around 7am that Elvis woke up, and I was running down the hallways at the hospital to get to his room. My fellow nurses and doctors stared after me as I did so, and the moment I came to the hallway entrance, I heard reporters trying to get through the double-doors. Some of them turned around and saw me.

I was hammered with questions, and I said "no comment" like I was advised to by Vernon and Elvis himself when the press came asking questions. I was surprised that the press never showed up when I was at the hospital the last time. The public knew about me—I was in the paper a few times since I started Elvis's care.

"Excuse me!" I shouted over all the ruckus, and I made my way through the doors into the hallway that was closed off. I was let in by Sonny and Billy. Billy gave me a wink. Well, now I knew who at least one of the guys were that had a thing for me.

A couple more to the Mafia were standing outside of Elvis's room door. It was Charlie and Jerry. "Hey," said Jerry. "You heard, huh?"

"Yes, and thank the Lord."

"He's been asking for you."

"He has?" I went on into the room, and Ginger, Lisa and Vernon were at his bedside. Lisa squealed happily, "Karen, Daddy's awake!"

"I can see that." I came closer. Elvis wasn't donning the oxygen mask anymore. He smirked as I stood there, arms folded, and shaking my head. "Oh my golly, Elvis..."

"You're tellin' me," he said weakly. "It's great to see ya."

"You should have that oxygen mask on," I chided.

"Is that any way to talk to someone who just had a heart attack?"

I was in my full nurse uniform, aside from my hat. Now that he was in the hospital, he was in our charge now. "It is when your body needs the extra oxygen to get stronger." I took the mask and put it over his face. He tried to stop me, but I put the bands over his head anyway. "There. You keep that on. Nurse's and doctor's orders."

"Speaking of which, Dr. Nichopoulos gave Dr. Brenton full charge of Elvis since he can't be here," Vernon told me. "And I think that's wonderful."

We all saw Elvis give his father a displeased look, and I snickered at that. His blue eyes shifted to me. He took my hand that was on the rail to the bed, and my heart jumped. I knew the others saw him do it, especially Ginger. Elvis said nothing, just stared at me. It was crazy, but I knew he was thanking me with his eyes.

"You saved his life, Karen," Vernon said. "Thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts."

"I was just doing my job."

Elvis retracted his hand and looked away from me. What did that mean?

In that moment, the room door opened, and in came a man who looked like he could be around Vernon's age, and he was larger and dressed in a tan suit with a matching hat. A cigar poked out of his mouth, but he took it out as he came over closer to us, and he pointed a cane at Elvis who let out a long breath into the mask, fogging it. Did Elvis roll his eyes?

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