Chapter 4 - Morning Physical Assessment

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What an honor it was to sit at the same dinner table as the King of Rock 'N' Roll. And how intimidating. He was such a presence, even in a small dining room. It was almost overwhelming. I had to keep my head about me whenever anyone asked me a question. The main topic of discussion among those at the table was my job regarding what I had to do for Elvis.

"I'm telling you, Midge, it was incredible and horrifying at the same time. They all are expecting me to cure Elvis when that's not even possible. I mean, I told you all the medications that he has."

I had the white phone to the right side of my face as I sat in bed, and the phone set was on the bedside table. My superior and friend said to me, "I truly understand the pressure that you're under at the moment, but it's nothing that you haven't dealt with before. You're a nurse. People expect you to cure their loved ones, and sometimes, it's not possible due to how far and away they are. You just have to do your best."

Something caught my heart as I recalled Elvis sitting there at the head of the table, not saying a word as his family and friends talked about him and what I had to do and my plans for him. He wasn't happy. I could feel it—nurse's intuition. He was a kind enough man to allow his loved ones to talk while he sat right there.

"Midge..." I said, my throat tight, "I really don't think that my best is going to be good enough in this case. He's been taking those medications for years, some of them unwillingly since his doctor made him take them when he was on tour. His body is probably fighting to stay alive at this point since many medications taken over time can ruin the liver, heart and the brain." I whimpered. "I really don't want to see my favorite star lose his life over this."

"Oh, honey... like I said—you just have to do your best. Over the next few days, give him the daily checkups like you are supposed to and assess where he is at the moment."

"I can already see where he is just from his appearance, slurred speech, slow walking, more like a hobble, getting up the stairs with difficulty and feeling winded afterwards... He's acting like a man twice his age should act. It's so worrisome."

"Just do what you were sent there to do. And keep your mind the best you can."

"Psht," I scoffed with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm trying. He's Elvis Presley, you know. I will have to mentally pinch myself until I get used to seeing him. I just... this will be difficult." I took in and let out a deep breath. "Okay. Over the next few days, I'll make my assessment as far as his vitals are concerned. He has ragged breathing as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if something was very wrong with his heart, more than what the heart medications can solve."

"There very well may be. Again, just do your best. I know you can, Karen. You are a great nurse who could become a doctor someday with your knowledge. Maybe this will be your ticket."

I mentioned to her before of my interest of stepping up to become a doctor, but one, there were only a handful of female doctors or there; and two, I had too much of a "nurse's personality" to become a doctor. In other words, I was too nice. But I could be stern and a hothead when I needed to. This situation already caused that stern attitude to emerge, and Elvis actually liked it and allowed me to stay because of it.

"Not if he dies on me," I countered Midge's comment grimly. "Heaven forbid."

It hurt badly that the famous Elvis Presley could die from his addiction. Millions of people would be heartbroken, not including his family who would be torn.

"You can do this, Karen," Midge said reassuringly. "Now, I have to go. Rounds."

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, honey."

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