Chapter 8 - Horseback Riding for the First Time

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The next day started with the usual morning assessment before everyone got up. As Elvis and I sat there on the living room sofa as I was counting his pulse, he was staring at me, and I had a good idea of why. I said nothing as I let go of his wrist and wrote some notes down on the form I had to fill out for his assessments every day.

"I didn't sleep well last night," I heard him say, and I still looked down at the form as I wrote on it.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"You know what I'm sayin', right?"

I finished up the form and met his blue eyes, and in the morning light coming in through the window, they looked enchanting. It was a tad difficult to think straight as I stared at those eyes. "You're passively telling me that you didn't sleep well since you didn't have the pills to help you. But you did sleep, correct?"

"Yes, but as I said... not well."

"That's a start. Your body will get used to it as time goes on, and soon enough, you'll be able to sleep well without the pills."

He let out an agitated sigh through his nose. "I'm about ready to go into your room and snag 'em from ya."

The pills. "Yes, I surmise that you would want to, but we discussed this already. Your body needs to adjust. To be quite honest, it may take years, but for now, we're just getting you started with the process. I may not be here by the time you've recovered fully."

If he did. I tried not to think about that.

I put everything from the assessment back into my nurse bag. Elvis watched me do so. "Let's... talk about somethin' else," he said. "I don't wanna yell at ya."

A smile escaped. He was trying. I faced him again. "Okay. What would you like to talk about?"

He suddenly took my left hand, and I let out a little gasp—I couldn't help it. He examined it. "So... you're not married nor are you in a relationship. Tell me... what's your history?"

"History regarding what? My romantic life? Or life in general?"

"Tell me all of it."

This was a great distraction away from what was happening between us at the moment. Of course, I expected him to get mad at me, argue and maybe yell, but staying away from that was best. Plus, as his nurse, I needed to be his friend. Talking about personal things was a way to do that.

"Well..." I started, "you know already that I'm not in any relationship and hadn't been since I'm so focused on my job."

He still had my left hand, but I wouldn't tell him to let go or slip my hand out of his. Was it wrong of me to do that? I just selfishly loved him holding my hand. He said, and I was flattered by the shock in his eyes, "You've never been in a romantic relationship before? Ever?"

"No, I've been in a handful of them, it's just, they never lasted long or became too serious. A few men complained that I was too focused on my work and not on them. One of them even gave me an ultimatum—him or my job. Of course, I chose my job. To me, helping people be healthy was more important than a romantic relationship."

Elvis nodded. "That's very... attractive. Or, commendable. Good for you for choosin' savin' people. But... it's fun bein' in love."

I had to let off a sheepish smile as his eye twinkled at me. "Well, yes, it is, but I just like to focus on my work."

"So... and pardon me for askin', but... do you want to marry eventually?"

He still had my hand. I wondered if he even remembered that he had it. To what he asked, I recalled my last serious relationship that never should have happened. "Well... maybe eventually. I just want to focus on my work."

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