After the Dance

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Chapter Nine: Age 15 After the Dance

"So, how did it go?" Beth asked, sitting on her little sister's purple comforter, shoving off the pile of pillows their mom set up every morning. The senior girl didn't go to the dance. She hated things like that, and her mom had finally given up persuading and threatening her to go, instead focusing her energy on her youngest.

"Not great," Lynne laughed. "My date ditched me almost as soon as we got there." Lynne sat at her vanity table, hair pushed back by her favorite fuzzy headband, rubbing her face carefully with a thick makeup wipe.

"Oh no! How come you didn't text me to come get you? How did you get home?"

"A nice person also got stood up and they called their mom to take us home. They were very sweet, and we talked and danced the whole night. I probably had a better time with them than I would have with Noah anyway. They gave me tons of makeup tips."

Beth giggled. "But you hate makeup."

"Yeah, but now if I ever feel like messing with it on a regular basis, I have a better idea what to do."

"Soooo," Beth started tossing one of Lynne's precious beanie babies like a volleyball. "Was... was.. Alyisha there?"

Lynne grinned at her sister through the reflection of the mirror. "No. Why do you ask?"

"No reason."

"Do you LIKE her?" Lynne teased, tossing the used wipes in the wastebasket, turning around in her chair to waggle her eyebrows at Beth.

"Maybe," her sister replied lightly. "It was fun the other night. She's really cute. I thought maybe, maybe I'd ask her out. It was kind of hard to tell, though, if she was with Dane or if they're only friends."

Lynne grimaced. "Yeah, that's kind of a theme these days, I guess."


"Nothing," the basketball player said, grabbing her dress off the bed, and putting it on a hanger. "I guess I have to get this dry cleaned?"

Beth shrugged. Neither girl knew much about dresses. "Just ask mom. She'll be thrilled to explain it to you."

"Hey, umm," Lynne frowned and sat down on the bed, facing her sister. "So, ummm, I'm not sure if I should really say this, but, uhhh, do you know that Alyisha's trans?" She gave her sister a worried look.

"Yes, idiot. You're lucky she already told me. From now on, you shouldn't really talk about someone's gender identity or orientation without their permission. It's really not cool."

Her little sister covered her head with her hands. "Sorry, sorry! I only said something since you were going to ask her out."

"Still," Beth smiled, but kept her face serious. "It's important, Lynne, okay? Wait a minute, do you go around outing me to everyone?"

Lynne looked confused and started to count on her fingers. When she passed two sets of ten, Beth hit her with a pillow.

"I'm just kidding!!!"


Harrison's mom waited in the car, flicking through her cell, while her son walked Joey to his door.

"Well that just sucked! Oh my god!!! We are the worst match makers on the planet!!"

Joey shrugged. "Plan C," he reminded his date.

"I guess. Maybe we should just give up. Love is a fleeting bitch and none of us are going to ever end up with a happily ever..."

Joey leaned over and kissed him. Put his hand in Harrison's shaggy honey blonde hair, one wrapped around his waist, finger brushing the top of the leather pants. It was a clumsy kiss, but not a quick brush of the lips. It took a while, but it got better. Harrison's hands froze to his sides as Joey moved his mouth over his.

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