Summer Fire

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Chapter Twelve: Age 16 Summer Fire

Jamie flung himself onto Noah's bed.

Noah woke up. His room was pitch dark and Jamie's body was heavy on top of his, and the surprise visitor's breath was warm and insistent in his ear. Jamie was saying something over and over, but Noah's sleep addled brain couldn't process it.

He threw the blanket off that was separating them, and wrapped his legs around Jamie's hips, his arms tight around his torso. "I'm having the best dream ever," he muttered.

"What the hell??!!!" Jamie yelled, trying to untangle himself. "Didn't you hear me?!! Get your ass up!"

"Ok, I mean, ok. I thought maybe it was you who would ... but... ok. I'm ok with that, sure, why not," Noah turned over onto his stomach, still mostly asleep.


That cut through the haze. Noah sat up, eyes wild. "What??"

"Thank god! Grab your crap! We have like ten minutes. Our stuff is in the car. My parents are helping your mom get what she needs! Grab whatever's important! We've got to go!!!" Jamie was stuffing a garbage bag full of Noah's clothes, grabbing dirty clothes from the hamper. He tossed his friend a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

In seconds, Noah was completely dressed and alert. He stuffed his cell and charger into his pocket, packed his art supplies, laptop and his few favorite books, grabbed his signed jersey from Steph Curry. Was following Jamie out of his bedroom door, when he stopped and ran back, sliding across the floor to grab his box of hearts from under his bed.

His mom's car was already overflowing with bags and boxes. Kelly and Danny were sitting in their car, idling, waiting for their son. The smoke in the air was so thick. It had a grimy smell and it coated the back of the throat. Jamie skidded to halt as Noah ran past him, throwing his stuff into the car, and into his mom's arms. Dana held him close, reassuring him. But he pulled away when Jamie ran around outside to the back of the house.

"Jamie!!!!!!" Noah yelled, on his heels. "Where are you going!!???? Let's go!!! Jamie!!!"

The blonde boy's face was bright red, his blue eyes wide with panic. Noah saw him run up to his own bedroom window and grab something, then race a few feet away to some tree, throw himself to his knees and start scrambling in the dirt.

Jamie was screaming, "Oh my god! Oh my god!!! I can't find it!!!! I can't find it!!!"

Noah threw himself down next to him, and started digging. "What are we looking for???!!! Jamie, please come on, it can't be that important!!!!"

"It is!!!" Jamie sobbed. "I can't leave without it!!!! I can't!!!" His fingers scraped along the base of the tree. "Thank god!!! Thank god!!!" He stuffed something into his pocket, then grabbed Noah's arm, and together they raced back to the front.

Dana was pulling away onto the road, and the boys threw themselves into the middle bench of Kelly's SUV. Not bothering with seatbelts Noah pulled Jamie's body against his, holding him tight, the boy's cheeks tracked with tears. Kelly and Danny's faces were grim as they sped down the road, following their friend's car.

"Here, here," Jamie said through his tears. "Please don't EVER take it off again." 

 From his pocket he pulled out the matching bracelets Noah had bought for them in 8th grade. His trembling fingers tied it on Noah's wrist, knotting it hard, making it impossible for the other boy to untie. Noah kissed Jamie's forehead and tied Jamie's onto him. Clasping their fingers together tightly as they drove off into the darkness lit only by the orange haze of the approaching  firestorm.

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