Saturday or Best Friends Forever

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Chapter 20: Saturday or Best Friends Forever

Luke sat down next to Jamie on the bench, still in his sweats and ratty shirt. His hair, usually immaculately styled, a haystack on his head. Jamie smiled wanly, and patted it carefully, Luke turning to him, so Jamie could run his fingers through it, trying to get it to lay flat. Luke shrugged ruefully, when Jamie gave up, running his own long fingers through it. Then raking them back and forth in it, messing it up even worse.

"Still hot?" he teased, leaning back, spreading his arm over the top of the bench, his legs spread wide as well, a perfect model pose, turning to Jamie still smiling despite the insanely early hour.

"Very," Jamie said, patting the soft brown hair one more time. Luke leaning into the touch. Confused but very happy that this blonde angel was sitting here with him. Wondering if things were going to shift even more today. Because he definitely noticed Jamie was much more open to his advances yesterday. And here he was, literally on his front porch.

"I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm so fucking tired. And so freaking sad," Jamie murmured, shocking the crap out of Luke, by laying down on the bench, his head on the other boy's lap, face turned into his stomach. "Can you watch over me, please?"

Luke nodded his head, shifting a little to give Jamie more room, feeling his heart thump heavily, knowing that Jamie trusted him, that Jamie came to him when he was upset. He didn't go to that other guy. That Noah. He came to Luke. And Luke was more than willing to help comfort him. Truly. To be a comfort to this boy who was different from any other boy he'd been with before.

Hands in Jamie's curls, he held the boy while he slept. Looking at the sunrise. Hoping that maybe, maybe he would finally get to know what it was like to fall in love.


Luke woke with a start, feeling someone's eyes on him.

Jamie was still asleep in his lap. Luke touched his face gently.

"Jamie...Jamie wake up," he said nervously.

"," Jamie nuzzled into Luke's stomach. "You smell good. I'm comfy. Shut up. I just want to sleep."

"Jamie Miles Nash," a voice said, cool, collected but firm.

Jamie opened his eyes, then squeezed them shut, flinched. Sat up, blinking at his grandma.

It was still very early. The sun has barely risen beyond the horizon. But his grandmother was fully dressed, silver hair immaculate, makeup tastefully done.

She surveyed the boys carefully. Both in basically their pajamas. Both bedraggled. Both obviously extremely uncomfortable under her stare.

"Come inside and get some breakfast, both of you. Come and eat in our kitchen. I don't want our guests seeing you like this. You know that Jamie. You are a face of this lodge if you are here. And we only show our best sides to visitors. Luke, that goes for you as well, now that you live here."

Without another word, she walked inside. The boys looked sheepishly at each other, hurrying after in her very stately wake.

She gave them coffee and a few slices of toast, before leaving them to play the hostess in the great hall area where a full breakfast buffet was being served. They had nine visitors right now, and she was determined that they would be repeat customers. But before she left, she turned to Jamie.

"Don't forget, you promised to have dinner with us here tonight. It's a special evening for our guests; we're having a barbecue, grilling salmon. I know that's your favorite, Jamie. But please be sure to dress nicely. Are you..." She blinked a little, eyes flicking between Luke and her grandson. "Should I call Noah and invite him to join us?" For once, her voice was a little unsure.

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