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Chapter 17: Tuesday

Tuesday morning, 7am: Noah's house

Jamie knocked softly on Noah's door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. They both had keys to each other's houses. They always had, ever since they started walking home from school by themselves when they were in fourth grade. Before that Dana watched them until Danny and Kelly got off work, or sometimes Danny took them on day trips after school if he didn't teach that day.

But after that, the kids hung out at each other's houses interchangeably after school. Making microwavable mac and cheese, gaming, doing homework, watching Phineas and Ferb. Or getting on their bikes and riding everywhere for miles around. Sometimes just finding a spot in the woods, on an old log or in a pile of leaves, laying there together, listening to the birds or music on their cell phones.

So it wasn't uncommon for him to just let himself into the Tate's home. Dana was already at her computer typing away. Jamie knew when she was really focused it was like she didn't exist on this temporal plain. Her body might be there, but her consciousness was far away, with the characters in whatever mystery she was writing this month.

But she looked up when he coughed slightly, and she smiled.

"Hi honey. Morning. Are you hungry? I think we still have some muffins."

"Nah, I'm just going to ..." he trailed off and gestured to Noah's bedroom. Then blushed, and asked, "If that's ok with you?"

Because he knew his mom and Dana texted nonstop. So she probably already heard what Kelly had walked in on last night. How would she react to knowing that her son, her straight son, was kissing his best friend?

"It's definitely ok with me, Jamie." Another smile, then her eyes drifted back to her screen. Far more interested in her writing for the moment than his potential love life.

He knocked on Noah's bedroom door, not expecting a response, he just did it for formality. There was no doubt Noah was still asleep, it was only seven. School didn't start until 8:45. So it was zero surprise that when he walked in, locking the door behind him, his friend was half in half out of the covers, his hair sticking straight up, snoring lightly.

Jamie sat down at the end of the bed, taking one of Noah's feet in his hand. First, his plan was to tickle him, but then instead, he just put it in his lap, staring at it. Noah had big feet. Feet themselves were pretty ugly. But for some reason he just wanted to stare at Noah's foot. Not because it turned him on in some kind of weird way. Only because it was a part of Noah he didn't see that often. He rubbed it gently, then up his calf and back down, pulling a little on the dark hairs on his shin.

He glanced up to find Noah staring at him.

"Hi," Jamie said, not embarrassed at all that he was discovered playing with Noah.

"Hi," Noah said, sitting up, grabbing Jamie's arm and pulling his friend down flat on top of him. Staring at his lips.

Jamie followed through with that unvoiced request and pushed his lips onto Noah's. This time, with a lot less heat, just a soft kiss.

"I expect you to wake me up this way every morning for the rest of our lives, Jamie." Noah breathed out. "Every single morning. This is just... so... awesome." His face scrunched up suddenly, and let out a harsh sob, tears spilling down his face.

"Oh my god, why are you crying???" Jamie peppered kisses all over Noah's face, wiping away his tears, laughing. "Why are you being such a baby??"

"You're in my bed. You're kissing me. I love you Jamie." He was sobbing uncontrollably. Jamie wrapped his arms around him, Noah's arms tight around his back, his face on Jamie's chest.

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