Plan C

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Chapter Ten: Age 15 Plan C

"So what about if we..."

Joey kissed him, his hand brushing up and down Harrison's arm, his foot running up and down his leg. The loud boy giggled to see Joey's bright yellow SpongeBob socks.

"Mmmm hmmmm?" he murmured, "I'm listening," pulling his mouth away for a second, only to move to the other boy's neck, kissing a trail up and down the column before latching on just under his chin, sucking hard.

"What? What? Listening to what?" Harrison stammered, his hands plunging into Joey's thick brown hair. His heart a jackrabbit in his chest.

Joey grinned against the other boy's neck. Proud that he made the normally nonstop talker flustered.

"Plan C. Getting Jamie and Noah back together," he said, then starting to lick up into Harrison's ear, pulling the boy's long leg over him, his own thigh pushing up hard between Harrison's legs, his hands around him, pulling their bodies even closer together.

"Oh my god...." Harrison literally couldn't speak. He actually thought he might be having a heart attack. He couldn't breathe. But dying got a bad rap, needed a new publicist, because he felt awesome.

Never in his life would he have imagined that when Joey invited him over to study the night before Christmas, he'd be greeted at the door by both Joey's parents. Never imagined he'd laugh and joke while the four of them made home made sushi. Tom and Jade made him feel extremely welcome and accepted even when Joey held his hand during the evening, even when he felt comfortable enough to act like the snotty over the top brat he was, rather than hiding himself as he sometimes did around new people.

As they went upstairs, Joey told Harrison that he'd talked the other boy up to his parents, and they were thrilled that their son was interested in the boy with the highest GPA in freshman year. Thrilled that he said whenever he talked to Harrison, the boy was always studying. That he didn't do sports, even though he'd pursued swimming when he was younger, just so his academics weren't affected. Harrison was perfect according to Joey's parents.

No one ever thought he was perfect. Most people just thought he was annoying.

The evening got exponentially better when the boys actually did study for more than an hour. Harrison legitimately got off on the fact that Joey defied the dumb jock stereotype; he was probably almost as smart as Harrison himself.

And then, when they finished, Joey pulled him onto his bed, and started to ravish him. Which was definitely more than ok with Harrison.

"So..." Joey repeated, breathing warm air into Harrison's ear, his hands under Harrison's shirt. "Any ideas for the plan?"

"What plan?" Harrison moaned,

Joey grinned.


Eventually, after many long and hard thoughts (ha!), Joey and Harrison decided that probably the best way to get the two idiots back together was to simply be sure they were always around each other. Because they acted like magnets for the most part. Get them anywhere near each other, and they tended to snap together tight. It was not a great plan, but at least it was a start.

A few days after Christmas...

Joey: Hey, what's up?

Noah: Nothing.

Joey: Have a good Christmas?

Noah: No

And he really really hadn't.

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