Wednesday and Thursday or The Best

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Chapter 18: Wednesday and Thursday or The Best

Noah woke up, the sun just peeking in through Jamie's blinds. He could hear noises in the other room, laughter and kitchen sounds. He lay back, putting his hands over his face.

It wasn't a dream. He and Jamie. Jamie and him. Were together, sort of, for the first time. He let himself lay spread eagled on the bed, then flipped over, pushing his face into Jamie's pillow, breathing his friend's scent in, wondering if life could get better than this.

As the pillow shifted, the origami heart brushed against his face.

Sitting up, holding it carefully, he kissed it before opening it slowly.

'Life is the flower, for which love is the honey,' Victor Hugo

Noah sat up, pulled on his jeans and shirt, tucked the heart in his pocket. Grabbing his keys, he crept silently from the house.

Twenty minutes later, he opened the door to the Nash place quietly, and moved towards the kitchen. Everyone was sitting down to breakfast. His mom included. The adults looked at him, but Jamie's eyes were down on the table, shoulders slumped.

"Where were you Noah? I came here for breakfast and your truck was gone and.."

For once he ignored his mom as she trailed off, Danny and Kelly exchanging quick smiles before they cast their eyes down on their food. Letting the boys have their moment.

"You okay?" Noah asked, worried, kneeling down next to Jamie's chair.

Jamie shrugged, not looking up, playing with his fork. Stabbing his pancakes.

"You left." His voice flat, uninflected. Finally he brought his eyes to Noah's and they were blue icicles.

Noah flicked Jamie's knee in front of him, then leaned over and kissed it. Jamie's eyes whipped around to take in their parents' reaction, seeing as they were all less than a few feet away. Dana seemed enthralled with something on her phone, and Danny and Kelly were chatting quietly about their work day ahead. But they did look up, grinning ruefully, when Noah brought out the bouquet from behind his back, and passed it into Jamie's lap. Kelly clapped a little before her husband shushed her.

Jamie put his hand on the flowers, touching them, feeling the petals of the lilies and the tiny bumps of the baby's breath.

"They're just from the grocery store. I wish they were better. I promise I'll give you..." Noah said in a rush.

"You're such an idiot." Jamie whispered, clutching the stems, standing up and moving towards the sink. He found an old chipped vase, added some water and put the flowers in, one at a time. Noah followed him, standing next to him, watching Jamie's face.

"Do you like them?" He asked not really nervous, pretty sure he'd gotten a few bf points for this move, trying not to sound smug. Just wanted to hear what Jamie would say.

"They're fine." Jamie said in an almost bored voice, but stepped forward until he lay his forehead on Noah's shoulder, shuddering with emotion. The brown haired boy placed his hand carefully on Jamie's back and kissed his golden curls.

"Well, I certainly could use a little something to cut through all this sweetness," Danny called out loudly, reminding the boys there were others in the room. "I mean what is it? Pancakes. Muffins. Some people in other parts of the world eat real food for breakfast. Why do Americans only eat sweets? It's too much."

"Well, we did have meat, but Jamie already ate Noah's sausage when no one was looking," Dana said, mock frustrated.

The room was quiet. You could hear a pin drop.

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