02. 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝖺 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝖾

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recruitment was going to be a hassle

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recruitment was going to be a hassle.

nick fury knew this, maverick & jackson knew this. they hadn't formally met up until today. it was a bright morning in new york, the birds were chirping and the sky was painted in pastel blue.

on the main land the two men were boarding a quinjet separately but were eventually going to fly together. agent coulson along with two other pilots from shield were going to be there to fly the two men to the jet carrier that was a few miles away.

more like up in the sky.

it wasn't a surprise to see chase arrive earlier than expected. it was one of his best qualities, being on time with a clean and tidy attitude.

he carried a duffel bag in his left hand since he was told that he would be staying up with shield headquarters for the time of the task they were going to have.

the mission wasn't supposed to happen for another few months but a few nights ago there was a compromise at one of shields headquarters.

as much as the boys knew, some guy named loki stole something shield had been experimenting with. it was important and dangerous, very dangerous.

so the two men were told to come in.

chase observed the aircraft before stepping in and walking inside it to get a better view of the interior. he was greeted by agent coulson.

"chase maverick, it's an honor to finally meet you." the agent stuck out his hand to shake hands with chase who did so.

"honor?" chase questioned as they let go of each other's hands.

"yeah, you're a legend at shield. or just in the law enforcement and general public. i'm a huge fan by the way, top gun." coulson's statement made chase feel flattered but grimy.

"oh? okay then, it's nice to meet you as well...?" chase darted off because he wasn't aware of the agent's name.

"phil coulson. agent coulson formally." phil informed chase who nodded after learning this new information.

"fuck!" the two men were interrupted by a loud curse.

they both looked back at the open entrance of the quinjet to see the man himself.

"braden jackson." agent coulson called.

brady had accidentally bumped his head on the roof of the jet since it definitely wasn't big enough for a man as tall as him.

he rubbed his temple to ease the pain. he squinted at the two other men and sighed loudly.

"it's brady." he corrected agent coulson who only nodded.

"it's nice to meet you, brady. i'm cha—"

"where's fury? mother fucker said he was gonna be here." brady rudely cut off chase and looked at coulson who, to brady, looked more important than chase who was now standing in front of him.

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