𝟢𝟩. 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗇𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗆𝖾𝗍 𝖻𝗋𝖺𝖽𝗒

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

"pronto a rispettare?"

ready to comply? he understands throughly. his dark gaze shifts to the hydra associate in front of him.

"pronto a conformarsi." his voice was deep and hoarse.

ready to comply, was always his response and what it was always supposed to be.

"rapporto di missione. regista di uccisioni, nicholas j. fury, non lasciare testimoni." the italian soldier held a folder that had all the information the subject would need to have a successful mission.

kill nicholas j. fury, leave no witnesses, he understood precisely as he read the small file he was given by the soldier.

he stands up from the experiment chair and towers over the soldier. he was significantly taller and bigger than every person in the room.

he goes over to the table where weapons were laid out. his signature mask that covered all of his face was staring at him. he grabs it then looks back at the solider who gave him orders moments ago before putting the mask on.

his body ached as he walked but his brain just kept telling him to keep going. to ignore the physical pain he was feeling throughout parts of his body.

he ended up in a near by location where nick fury was expected to fly by in the helicopter that carried him. he was on top of an abandoned building that used to be a hospital.

he didn't necessarily have a full ledge plan on how he was going to kill nick fury. all he knew was that it was gonna be done.

he was gonna just go for it like he was trained to do.

he hid in the shadows like always where no one would expect him to be.

it was a dark foggy night and he was gonna take it to his advantage.

he removed his left glove before aiming his bolt of electricity towards the chopper. he hits it instantly and he could hear the yells and screams of panic as the chopper struggles to stay in the air.

he strikes it again to assure that it goes down the the ground and crashes, making sure every person in the chopper dies tonight.

he could careless about whoever was in the chopper with nick fury, as long as he was dead it didn't matter to him.

he saw the helicopter crumble to pieces and saw it get destroyed down below.

he made his way down to the bottom floor of the empty building where the chopper had crashed outside.

the helicopter was completely ruined. the windows were cracked, blood and smoke was everywhere, and fire sparked from the engine.

he looked inside to find the man himself, nick fury, unconscious in one of the passenger seats.

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