𝟣𝟣. 𝗀𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗈-𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗌

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armando couldn't sleep

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armando couldn't sleep.

everyone else had been up for the night and were just waiting. waiting for some kind of new information to stop loki.

armando was the kind of guy to sleep in early to be up early to start his day.

he liked to sleep.

but he just couldn't seem to turn the lights out for himself. so he decided to get out of his bunk and walk around the aircraft in hopes that he'd get tired after walking for a bit.

it was still pretty early in the morning but he didn't get much sleep the night before either. this was his best option right now.

he walked around in his black sweats and grey long sleeve. he passed by different kinds of labs and work stations though none of them caught his attention enough to get him to try and get involved.

it wasn't until he passed by the lab brady and liam were in. they had been in there for at least four hours now. armando didn't hesitate to let himself into the lab to talk to the boys.

"gentlemen." he said to them as he stepped closer towards the pair that were sitting at one of the computer's.

"what's up, mando?" brady said, looking at the tech in front of him instead of looking at armando.

liam had looked at armando and gave him a small wave.

"you guys find anything yet?" armando asked nicely.

"we think so. right now we're just scanning the signature for the model right now. once we find a hit we'll have the location within half a mile." brady explained.

"yeah we should be getting the cube back in no time." liam nodded.

"you two are really pulling this team together, you know? i haven't failed to notice the intelligence and leadership you two bring for the table." armando pointed out to the boys with proudness in his voice.

"thanks. at least someone appreciates it." liam gave armando a dopey smile. he then looked at brady who gave him a side eye and a chuckle.

"huh?" armando hummed in confusion.

"oh don't tell me you haven't noticed bird boy out there that absolutely hates me." brady looked at armando with a raised brow.

"he just hates hydra, that's all."

"he's tried killing me before."

"i'm pretty sure he meant well." armando nervously tried to defend chase.

"he's just not a fan of brady and i get that. he can be pretty annoying at times." liam said with a shrug. brady then glared at liam and smacked the back of his head up.

"he told us about what he found on your file, brady." armando informed.

brady froze.

he tensed up a bit in his seat. but then relaxed after taking a deep breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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