𝟢𝟨. 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝖾𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗒𝖺𝗅

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"you want me to what?!"

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"you want me to what?!"

"i want you to help me kidnap—"

"and that's where i'm gonna stop you, fury. i'm not kidnapping anybody!" chase forcefully said through the phone.

he stood outside of liam's flat meanwhile the others were inside. they were gonna stay for the night then head back to new york the next day.

chase had called fury to give him an update. he thought everything was going smoothly and efficiently until fury called a protocol chase doesn't remember signing up for.

"you have to, maverick." fury replied back.

"why? i'm sure if we give her good reasons like we did with the others she'll join us." chase explains.

"that's i tried to do. she ignored me. she threatened me. and me and you both know that whenever someone threatens me it never ends well."

"that's on you. not me!"

"well you work for me, maverick. so i would tell the others their next task and get right to it. we're on borrowed time and we don't know when loki will strike next." fury said lastly before hanging the phone up on chase.

chase sighs in distress before turning off his phone and putting it back in his pocket. he looks at the scenery of liam's home.

out in the porch, it was quite. it was mostly urban scenery. liam looked like the type of guy to live away from the city rather than in it.

chase opened the front door and re-entered the home. he was hit with the smell of food, it made him happy inside. he couldn't remember the last time he ate a hot homemade meal.

everyone was gathered in the kitchen and dining room that were connected. maggie and brady were in the kitchen, the others were in the dining room.

"there you are! i was starting to think you ran away, maverick." brady turned around from the stove and looked at chase with a cheeky grin.

"liam let us screw around in the kitchen. i hope you like spaghetti and meatballs. it was the only thing he really had here." maggie informed chase who nodded.

"sorry i couldn't go grocery shopping, i was expecting the bat family to pop in any time soon." liam sarcastically said from the table.

"come, take a seat. it's almost done anyways." marleen pulled out the seat next to her at the round table for chase to sit.

he walked over to the seat and sat next to her. liam sat across from him on the table and there was two empty seats next to him. they were the only options for brady and maggie to sit.

liam and chase had started a conversation. marleen chipped in here and there but she didn't talk much. she kept checking up on brady.

she worried about the way he was treated by the others, mainly chase and maggie. liam might be a dick but brady obviously trusted him so she didn't worry about him much.

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