𝟢𝟧. 𝗌𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗋𝗈𝗇𝗀

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nick fury had a thin line of patience

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nick fury had a thin line of patience.

everyone who has worked with him already knew that. especially those who worked for him.

chase was giving him updates on their commission and recruitment. messages containing that they were now on their way to london, complaints about brady, and how there should be a meeting with all the recruits immediately once everyone was on board.

fury was somewhat pleased with the progress but he needed things to speed up. he grew impatient quickly and decided to take things into his own hands.

within the next seven fours, he found himself in japan.

he hasn't been in the city for what felt like decades. he's kept tabs on the individuals here of course but one in particular always kept him drawn to the city.

the dewy air fogged up throughout the city. it was damp throughout the geography.

it technically wasn't japan but it was on the border of the city. it was a very broad, rural area.

a small village she preserved for the lost souls.


nick walked through the village he's only been to a handful of times and where he had seen many photographs of. he recognized some small buildings and homes as he walked.

he received waves and small greetings from the townsfolk here in green vine.

he approached a group of young girls, age range from five to eleven.

they looked at him with puzzled looks, intimidated by his dark clothing and eye patch. his presence was particular to them and nothing they've ever dealt with before.

he pulled out a picture of the woman he was looking for. they hesitated to step closer to get a better look at the picture but when they saw fury pull out a small bag of candy they immediately reacted.

they took him to where the woman usually resided in her time. they led him through an alley and into a studio apartment building. the pointed towards a certain door to indicate that she was in there.

he gave them a small smile before handing one of the little girls the bag of candy. the group ran off before fury knocked on the door.

nobody answered for a good minute.

fury was ready to knock down the door up until a man opened it up.

he was tatted up, in a black muscle tee and black jeans. he looked like that one character in the fast & furious franchise: tokyo drift.

"i'm looking for minako." fury was straight to the point.

the stranger scoffed at fury.

"she's not home." his english was understandable and pretty good for a japanese resident.

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