𝟣𝟢. 𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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the trip back to the helicarrier was smooth

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the trip back to the helicarrier was smooth. the guys didn't leave loki's side meanwhile the girls flew the jet back and sat up in the front.

once they landed back they put loki in containment and had a meeting to talk about their next move and what to do with the tesseract.

"okay so we know this thing is dangerous but we don't know exactly what kind of power it holds." chase runs by the obvious answers they have already.

marleen and dakota had managed to figure out the tech shield had in the lab and were currently scanning the cube for any type of geo signatures that they could pin point. the more they knew about the tesseract scientifically the more they'd be able to understand about how it works and the history of it.

"i can phone a friend back home. he's the only person that knows about my powers and he's helped me over the years. i have a library back home, maybe he can find something for us in the meantime." liam suggests to the group as he pulls out his phone.

"that'd be great. thank you, liam." brady nodded off to liam. liam walked out of the room to make the important call.

"whatever this thing is, it's not from earth. i'm not picking up any kind of matter that's from earth." marleen reads from the screen in front of her.

brady stood next to her and leaned over a bit to get a better read.

"mina, you got anything?" brady asked from his position.

"i don't know much. all i know is that it has the power to put people in a trance and follow whoever holds power over it. that's why loki wanted it. he's always been hungry for power for as long as he's been alive." minako explained with a shrug.

"what about you, maggie?" chase asked maggie who was standing in the corner of the room. she had been quiet the whole time which was weird for them since usually she's on top of everything.

brady grew worried but didn't bother showing it.

"i...i feel so drawn to it. like it's pulling me in and i don't know why." she explains softly. she had been staring at the glowing cube a majority of the time now.

possibly her magic was more drawn to it rather than her whole entire being. chase hadn't failed to notice the way she looked at it.

as if she was itching to touch it and steal it.

brady had noticed the guards that were transferring loki to his cell walk pass by the lab. he felt a hole form at the bottom of his stomach when him and loki made eye contact for the first time after their encounter.

loki couldn't help but smirk back at brady. a sinister, pitiful smirk at that. brady shook his head and decided to look away after that.

the group then decided to move to the round table they were once at before.

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