04. 𝗂'𝗆 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗒

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why did everything always have to feel forced?

loving, caring, thinking, apologizing. all of it.

for brady it has always been forced on his end. if someone new came into his life he felt like they were being forced into his life. being forced to care for him. being forced to help or love him even.

he's found it annoying ever since he could remember. he hates it completely. that's why he often found himself enjoying alone time because no one could hurt him and he couldn't hurt anyone.

though right now, he hopes he didn't hurt the woman who stood in front of him in shock.

he froze, back arched slightly. his face when from zero to a hundred real quick. he couldn't help but laugh at how awkward the situation was and because of how anxious he was right now.

he gives the colored woman a tight forced smile.

"hello, nice weather we're having isn't it?"

fury is gonna have his ass for this one.


"yeah, look i know it's crazy right? people change and wow you look great in that color. blue? no it's more of a violet. but i mean i could be color blind from what i've seen. your hair brings the outfit together too and-"

"you're knock out!"

"no, i'm brady."

"i've seen you on the news before! and i know you've—"

"alright, lady. we get it. just shut the hell up and come with me." he tried grabbing her, his demeanor had completely changed and he was beyond frustrated with her.

he reached out for her grasp, attempting to grab her arm to take her god knows where just so she can just shut up for his sake.

but then she has vanished.

or he thought she did.

he heard her behind him and turned on his heels quickly after feeling a whoosh of air blast past him.

"wha— what the hell? how did you do that?!" he raised his voice with widen eyes.

"you're not the only one with party tricks, you know?" she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned on her hip.

it was all happening too fast for him.

she moved quicker than he could think. she was odd. and she just happened to be in the alley the same time brady showed up.

he looks her up and down. he puts all the pieces together. he attempts his best gertrud to make sure he wasn't trippin or that he wasn't seeing things.

"where am i?" he tested her.

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