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As usual, a minimal amount of customers actually entered the store that morning. Robin kept her promise and slowly munched her way through her lunch, only to nip out to a grocery store half way through her shift to get something to share.
There really was nothing to do but slowly lose interest in everything around and fill your guts with nothing but boredom.

From the pure lack of productivity, somewhere in the process, Steve had managed to find himself laying flat out on the floor, swinging his legs in the air from time to time. Definitely an interesting view for any passer-by's, but by that point, neither of them could care less.
Normally, Robin would probably make a snarky remark about how he's 'being unprofessional', but today was just not the day.

"Steve." A voice trailed through the air.
No reply.
No reply.
"Steve!" Louder this time, followed by something square hitting him right in the head. "Answer me, dingus."

"God, Robin." He pulled himself into reality, leaning up and rubbing his head. Staring down at the item which was catapulted, he slumped in his position. "What?"

Robin looked down, staring over the man who still seemed half asleep. "I think it's time for you to get up. You've quite literally been on the floor for two hours. It's embarrassing when people look through the window at you, and then up at me like 'what the hell is this fool doing?'"

Steve blinked. "Shut up."

"I've been shutting up for two hours. I'm so bored I could quite literally go and do anything and be the happiest girl in the world."

Quite honestly, Steve still wasn't very aware of his surroundings. Whether he had been sleeping, or simply just zoning out from the world, it sure had disoriented him. "Well, let's do something then."

"Like what?"

"I dunno, boot up the computer or something. Put on some music- whatever."

"Steve, you are quite simply just as boring."

"As you keep telling me."

A frustrated sigh slipped its way out of her mouth. Not maliciously though, sympathetically.
With a small nudge from her foot to Steve's leg, she passed, headed towards the window and crossed her arms. "The arcade looks busy."

Steve was fully sat up now, slowly inching his way back up into a standing position. "Always is. Dustin and the gang are probably there by now- think school should've ended."

The Family Video clock stood circular on the wall, white face and green arms moving just as slowly as Steve was. Robin took a glance.
"Well it is four, so yeah, probably."

"We should go over." A suggestion, a simple one.


"We should go to the arcade." He repeated.

Robin turned to him, deadpanning and stunned. "We can't just leave base."

"Sure we can. We'll be back. And if not, we can blame it on... an arcade machine falling on Mike Wheeler and him needing immediate assistance from the closest people he knew."

Buckley quite simply huffed. "Woah..." she whispered. "Brutal."

But before anything more could be said, the two were gathering wages and locking up the door as fast as they could. Keith wasn't on shift at either the arcade or the video store that day, so it was safe to say that the coast was clear.

It was warmer outside than it was that morning, which was nice, but the enjoyment was short lived as almost instantly they were turning a corner and immersing themselves in neon colours of all shapes and sizes.

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