3- ɢᴏᴅ, ᴛʜɪs ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ɪs ᴅʀᴀʙ

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It was dark in Steve's room. The curtains were closed, the lights were off, and Steve was laying in his bed.
Not doing anything, just laying.

Noticeably, it wasn't even that late. There was an odd glint of blue rather than black in the sky, dusky and smooth, but it wasn't pitch just yet.
A perfect light to sit and contemplate.

The slip of paper sat next to him on the fabric, even more crimped than before. Wonky numbers were plotted a lot clearer this time (compared to Steve's shaking scrawl of an arrangement) but quite oddly, Harrington couldn't even make the jump to look at it.

He didn't want to, didn't need to. It wasn't his fault that Eddie had an 'attention span of a goldfish', whatever that meant, and Steve assured himself that the timing didn't matter in the slightest, and it was just a push from Robin. She was always pestering him about reaching out to people- and he never took the offer.
Now though, as the offer was clearly apparent, it seemed to be quite daunting.

But no, he was going to wait until the next day, and that was final...

Don't make him wait.

Don't make him wait.

He was going to make him wait.


"Good morning!" Robin practically sang as she threw herself into the passenger seat of Steve's car. The daily pickup route was in fast motion, and with Robin being the last person to trail to a destination, off they headed to Family Video. "You ready for another thrilling day at work?"

It was quite a warm morning, the breeze from the day before being completely dissolved, but somehow, there was still quite a chill in the air. Or maybe that was just Steve- insomnia could've been the cause of that, seen as he didn't sleep well at all the night before. "Erm.. yeah."

He didn't know what else to say except from 'yeah', as if he was being real, he would rather still of been in bed.
Robin, however, didn't give in to the silence.
"Oh," she started, eyes wide, mouth full with a smile. "I mastered some more of my Russian last night- wanna hear?"

Harrington grinned, looking at her for a moment before focusing back on the road. He liked her enthusiasm for when she learnt something new- even though Steve could swear that she already knew everything that there was to know.
In his car sat nothing but a super genius. "Go on then."

"Okay," she breathed, preparing herself as the gears spun in her mind. "...Тебе удалось поговорить с Эдди прошлой ночью?"

Steve blinked, hearing nothing but a collection of sounds. "...Can you repeat? I didn't get a word of that."

Robin smiled. "I wasn't expecting you to, Dingus. Here, let me slow it down a bit...Tebe udalos' pogovorit' s Eddi proshloy noch'yu?"

Now that was more recognisable- some of it even sounded kind of like actual words.
"Okay... great job, but... what's that supposed to mean?"

Buckley chuckled to herself in her seat. "You'll see."

Steve leaned back. Guess he'd have to.

Soon enough, the BMW rumbled and roared as they reached their destination, exhaling the pressure when the engine was turned to a halt. The two passengers slumped their way out of the doors, closing it behind them as Robin searched her pocket for the store keys. Thankfully, they were found within a second.
"Come on then, Steve- we've got shelves to arrange."

Steve rolled his eyes at her as she did the same thing, throwing his head back along with it while Robin swung on the door, straight into the darkness of the storefront.
The spotlights of sun really did tend to illuminate the dust on Steve's acquired dusting-shelves, but he really didn't have the energy to do anything about it. Dust was normal, after all.

"God, this place is drab." Robin sighed, taking a slow stroll in between the aisles, passing the horrors and the comedies, the documentaries and the dramas.

Steve didn't necessarily understand. "What?"

"Drab, Harrington, means insufferably dull. Boring, lacking the amount of life that Scoops used to behold. Excusing the embarrassing excuse of a uniform, I sure do miss it."

"I probably should've paid more attention in class, you know."

"Yes, Steve- you should've. Common language."

He used everything in him not to continue the Scoops Ahoy topic, and gladly, nothing more was mentioned after that. He too, missed it just as much.
"What's on the agenda today then?"

Buckley paused, tossing her over-shoulder bag through the backroom door. "Contemplate life, reminisce, slowly eat my way through my lunch in complete boredom, only to be severely saddened by the time it is lunch and I don't have anything left."

Steve laughed- she always knew what to say, mainly in the most sarcastic manner. "Like normal then."

"Yes, exactly like normal. Did Keith ever question the lack of counter snacks, by the way?"

Harrington ran his fingers through his hair. Normally, there were quite a few arrangements of snacks placed strategically on the counter, (something about customers buying them through split decision) but quite suspiciously, none seemed to be left.

"Well apparently they were meant to be for the customers, Rob." He teased, leaning himself on the counter.

"Welp, looks like we didn't get the memo." Buckley shrugged before smirking as she headed into the back- leaving Steve on his own yet again.
Hopefully though, since they'd only been open ten minutes at the most, she'd be back out soon enough.

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