5- ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴇᴀʟ, ᴍᴀɴ?

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"What're you doing here?" Steve asked, slightly stunned at Eddie's presence. He had no idea why he was taken aback, or as annoyed as he was- but just like always, he just was.

Munson took a push, up off the wall, inching closer to the worker ever so slightly. "What... so a paying customer can't come into your store? I see how it is."

Harrington blinked, a hint of irritation in his features.
"No- no that's not what I meant... erm, come on in."

"I was only joking, H."


The two of them followed the only woman into the storefront; Eddie behind Robin, Steve behind Eddie. Munson seemed to be taller than them both, which was startling, as they weren't the shortest people themselves, but Steve supposed that it was better than him being super short... not that it mattered.
Once they were inside, Robin took control.

"So, anything you've come in for in particular- or just visiting your dear old friend Robin Buckley?"

The interaction made Eddie chuckle. It was a nice chuckle, not an annoying one, and it was over way too quickly.

"Well, Robin, as much as I'd love to say the second- I'm afraid I've just binge watched all of the movies I rented. Sad, I know."

"No no, I wouldn't say sad," Robin backed herself up and sat on the counter. Professionalism was gone when it came to old friends. "Pretty normal, actually- it is Hawkins, after all."

"There is that, yeah. Small town, small options."

Steve walked into his position behind the counter, standing just next to where Robin was perched. He zoned out from their conversation, wasn't the most interesting thing apparently, but was snapped out of his fatigue-ridden stare as Robin hopped off of the surface, and backed her way into the backroom storage.
As she announced something along the lines of "I'll just have a look for you.", Robin Buckley, yet again, had left Steve on his own with Eddie Munson.
Thankfully, after a few seconds, her head popped back around the door.

"Why don't you show Eddie where the different genres are while I'm gone?- will make it easier for next time."

But the relief was short lived, as within less than another second, she was gone again.

Eddie shifted in his stance. "It's almost like she plans her disappearances when I'm around."
He huffed, the corner of his lip turning slightly. He didn't let himself smile though.

"Yeah." Steve gritted his teeth, carefully clenching his jaw in very minuscule annoyance. "Seems that way. But yeah- sure, I can show you the layout."

Eddie nodded ever so slightly, following Steve's lead as he trudged over to the aisles, cluttered neatly with VHS and bundles of all colours and designs. He watched on as Steve gestured lazily to the different sections, drawling on about them in content exasperation.
"That's horror." A point. "That's comedy." Another point. "And you already know all of this stuff."

Munson nodded with a huff of a laugh. "Ironic, that."

Steve peered to the floor. "Yeah." Came a reply, short and small. He was honestly completely done with the whole interaction, wishing it was over with already.
He'd only known Eddie Munson personally for a little over a day, but seen as Robin had mentioned his existence many times before, it seemed like an awful lot longer.
In attempt at closure, Steve made the decision to turn and head back to the counter so he could leave Ed to his silent browsing, but with completely bad luck, then came a crash.

Unfortunately, Harrington had managed to knock over one of the stupid miniature cardboard cutouts- which were that flimsy that even the slightest knock to its position could send it flailing to its downfall. And casually, like any person would, he reached down onto the floor, crouching to grasp the figure which laid limp on the carpet. Steve extended his reach, placed his hand onto the target- and paused. Seemingly, so had Eddie.

There the two males kneeled, hand on hand, both leaning in for the same thing. Steve didn't move- didn't even jerk his hand away. He was too shocked for a split reaction of just a type. Eddie's rings were cold on his knuckles, and he thought back to the day before, where they had grazed across his palm. Perhaps it wasn't the temperature reaction after all that made his heart jump in his chest and made his breath catch in his throat.
He felt calluses too, resting on the back of his skin. He was aware that Eddie played guitar, but for some reason, it hadn't really processed.

What felt like minutes, condensed into a few seconds, swiftly ended as the two looked at each other, suddenly realising the situation. Neither apologised, or said anything more about the slip-up, and Eddie seemed a lot calmer about the situation than his new friend was.

"You never called." Eddie stated as he stood up straight once again, dusting down his jacket and knees from where he had leant. "I was waiting, y'know."

"What's your deal, man?" Steve asked, standing up too. "You knew we didn't need the number. So why'd you make me jot it down?"

Eddie, yet again, displayed another of his cocky smirks. "Open your eyes, Harrington." He laughed, throwing his arms out to his sides. "How many times do I have to state that this is Hawkins. Boring fucking town."

"And this is my problem because?" Steve crossed his arms after flicking back his elevated hair.

"You, my friend," Eddie leaned in, poking the other in the chest. "have been elected into my new list of people to ease the crippling boredom. Very exclusive."

"Well, must be, since you have the 'attention span of a goldfish.'" He mocked, starting to return to his first task of getting himself back to the counter.

"Robin's been sharing, I see."

"I've not heard one good thing about you, Munson. Apart from the fact that you're 'chill'. From the marijuana, perhaps?"

"Wow, she really has been sharing." He, too, crossed his arms.

"No, Munson- I can smell it on you. Pretty strong."

"Paying attention to detail, huh?"

Steve had had enough of his cockiness so didn't reply, sounding a sigh to show the conversation over with. Very thankfully, with perfect timing, Robin came sauntering out of the back, looking suspiciously smug.

"Actually," Harrington piped up once more for one last question. "Where'd you get pot from in this town anyway?"

"Me, if you're interested." Eddie replied, tilting his head. "Come over, I'll get you some. I keep base at the local trailer park. You'll know the one when you see it."

Steve pondered the request, as he hadn't been high, and hadn't wanted to be high, since the biggest trip of his life in Starcourt mall.
But before he could reply, Munson had already backed himself out of the store, walking away from sight.

"What was that about?" Robin questioned, looking over to Steve who simply shook his head and shrugged.

"I dunno."

It seemed that Eddie hadn't visited for VHS, he'd visited for Steve.

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