Chapter 1: Confidential

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Why do they make these things impossible to read?

I wiped a bead of sweat off the nape of my neck and studied the map through the foggy acrylic frame. Students bustled around me, chatting about upcoming exams and their plans for the weekend.

I glanced over my shoulder finding a few looking at me, their eyes catching on the weapon at my thigh then to the map I was trying to decipher as they hurried along. I turned back, focusing on the directory ahead of me.

Okay, there. I pressed a finger against the words 'Northwest entrance' and traced it through the small lines until I found the central courtyard. I took another moment to memorize the route before turning and moving.

Most of the students were clearing out, eagerly heading in every direction to start their weekends. I glanced at my watch and hurried along the path, weaving through the worn brick buildings as I navigated the route to the courtyard.

I rounded the corner, finding two secret service members standing against a metal partition sectioning off the celebration area. I flattened a non-existent crease in my skirt as I stepped up to the service members.

"Hi," I said to neither one of them in particular. They stayed quiet, their onyx shades giving no indication they even heard me.

"O-kay," I hummed, reaching for the badge in my back pocket. I held it up, flashing it toward both of them without saying another word. The guard on my left gave me a simple nod before motioning to the side of the rail with a single hand.

"Thanks," I mumbled, shoving my badge back into my pocket. Gotta love White House security. They're always so friendly.

I dipped around the partition, continuing along the brick building until it opened up to the courtyard. The space is large, bordered by the campus' four main buildings with Ivy University's famous clock tower in the center. A few tables were laid out around the perimeter, each decorated with red white and blue balloons. Small American flags were woven into the latticework of string lights overhead, making this place look like a patriot's wet dream.

I looked down, holding back a grimace at the red carpet laid over the concrete path. Tacky.

"Can I help you?" A female voice called from one of the tables off to the side. I turned, finding a slender brunette woman with a clipboard clutched to her chest.

"Uh, sure," I said, taking a step toward her, "Do you know where the Northern building is located?"

Her eye flicked to the gun at my thigh, then back up to my face.

"I work for the government," I quickly added, showing her my badge.

Her shoulder slumped slightly, clearly relieved I wasn't some really poorly educated assassin.

"Yes, sorry, it's that one right there," She said, pointing toward the building across the courtyard. I followed her finger, finding more secret service agents parked by another partition near the doors. Two large American flags practically glowed from their perch above the door to the large cobblestone building.

"Wow, I guess my observation skills have to be pretty shit to miss that," I laughed. A small smile broke across her face. "Thank you for the help-," I searched for a name tag but didn't find one.

"April," She smiled.

"Awesome, right. Thank you, April."

I turned away, stalking along the eyesore of a red carpet. Staff were teeming, a few of them holding plates of food while others were ripping through pages in their itineraries. I stopped a few feet from the agents.

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