Chapter 11: Let's kill the birthday girl

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Teresa's teal scrubs were now a muddled brown, soaked from the river of blood rushing from the gash that maimed her face. I stared down at her blank features. No smile lines remained, no dimples imprinting her cheeks, only pale skin.

Silver welled up at the edges of my vision as I knelt down next to her. I sat with her, accepting her help in exchange for hope, and now she's gone. I willed the tears not to fall as I reached over her, fingers aiming for the name badge. I carefully unclipped it, and brought it close. A few droplets of blood had soaked into the stickers, turning the once bright colors into a stale red.

I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.

I stowed the plastic into my pocket alongside Morales' badge. All that I can do now is keep this, to not leave her buried in this building by bringing this small piece of her with me.

Icy rage pulsed in my veins as I stood back up and tore my eyes away from Teresa towards the open altar. Just like Helena said, the heavy stone had parted, letting way for a set of steps down into the earth.

"Are you okay?" Helena asked, making me turn to face her. Leon was just a few feet in front of her, his eyes frosty with emotion.

"I will be when we find the bastard responsible for this," I answered, my tone coated in steel as I stepped toward the altar.

The steps led down to a finished tunnel whose black and white checkered tiles were in immaculate condition–polished to perfection. A set of doors was on the wall opposite the stairs, identical to the one that had revealed itself in the wall. The symbol gleamed against the glow from the sconces.

I let my gaze flicker to the polished floor for only a second, avoiding eye contact with what was surely a battered reflection. Someone's been maintaining this hidden area–hopefully they're still here.

I led the way, pushing open the metal door that led to an unfinished tunnel.

It was a stark contrast to the clean room before it. Grime and liquid coated the textured rock walls, rust colored water dripped from the ceiling that was accompanied by a horrid smell.

Helena glided past me, urgency in her steps as she moved into the room beyond the tunnel. The smell grew more intense as we stepped farther in, letting the doors click closed behind us. Rust stained doors lined both sides of the tunnel beyond the hall, each with a stale red light atop the door.

"What the hell is all this?" I asked, moving toward the closest door. I pushed up to my tiptoes to peer in through the small metal grate. A small cell with a body slumped against the far wall, his head hanging forward with an arm wrapped around the worn cot to his side. I felt Leon's presence behind me as he peered through the metal bars into the cell and spoke.

"Must be some kind of observation space...or holding area."

I turned, moving toward the next door to investigate its contents. His words from earlier still gnawed at my brain. Am I so damaged that he feels the need to coddle and protect me?

As my eyes lifted to the grates, expecting to find an identical cell when a body slammed into the metal door, slicing off my train of thought. I jolted back, avoiding the outstretched fingers of the zombie contained within the cell. Another thump behind me and more growls. I turned, finding another creature in the cell behind me. Milky eyes locked onto me, hands desperately trying to fight against the bars containing him. Based on the degradation of his flesh and the potent smell of rot, he's been here a while.

More doors along the walls began to rattle, their occupants aroused by new guests. Is this one of their experiments or just some sick form of punishment for the employees who failed to produce? A small beep chirped over the moans and rattling cages.

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