Chapter 2: Backseat [SMUT]

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I tried not to look too eager as we walked toward my car. The last drops of sunlight casted the parking garage in a smear of tangerine, taking the summer heat with it. I pulled out my key, unlocking my car with a low chime as I stopped near the back to survey our surroundings.

I searched the area, spending extra time looking at the few other parked cars in the complex to make sure no one was about to get a free show. The place looked empty. With the President in town giving some big speech you'd think more people would be in attendance.

Leon yanked open the door to the back, finding a section of the seats already laid down flat. He looked back at me, cocking a brow to go with his knowing smirk.

"Don't gimme that look. I was moving things, not setting up for a parking lot booty call." Lie.

He looked me up and down, taking in the skirt hugging my curves and sleeveless red blouse that may be just a tad lower cut than would be deemed work appropriate. He hummed as his gaze met mine again, motioning to the back seat with a hand.

I took one more look around the garage before moving past him to climb into the back. I laid back on my elbows on the flattened seat, watching Leon climb into the back as I unclipped the holster from my thigh.

He looked at me, a grin already spreading across his face as he pulled his leather jacket off.

"A jacket in the middle of summer?" I teased, watching him tug it off and fold it into a messy square.

"It has its uses," He grinned, leaning forward to meet my lips. He stowed the jacket under my head, using it as a makeshift pillow as he coaxed my head down.

I smiled against his lips, not wasting any time as I deepened the kiss and fisted my hands into his hair. The ends were growing out, making it so there was plenty to grab at the back of his head.

He swiped a tongue against mine before moving to plant hot kisses along my jaw. His stubbled jaw tickled the sensitive skin of my neck as his kisses trailed down the hollow of my throat.

I groaned, reaching my hands down to start unbuttoning the fine fabric of his shirt, desperate for more contact. I got most of the way through before scraping my hands under the fabric to splay across his back.

The edge of his teeth grazed my collarbone, making my breath catch as his hand snaked under my blouse. His calloused palm found my breast, giving it a light squeeze as he continued to ravage my neck with kisses and soft bites.

My hands dragged down his back, sweeping around his waist to trail down the hard planes of his stomach. I used a finger to trace the defined swell of muscle, making the heat already pooling in my stomach turn volcanic.

I continued my descent, finding the small trail of hair under his navel. I dragged a finger along the line of hair, stopping once I hit the waistband of his pants.

I ran a hand along the hard outline of his cock pressed against his pants. He groaned against my skin as I hooked a finger around his waistband and dragged a delicate finger across the tip of his cock. His answering groan sent vibrations down the column of my neck, making me lose any semblance of pacing as I grabbed at his belt.

His teeth dragged along my flesh as he moved to meet my mouth again. I pressed forward, allowing his tongue to explore the taste of my mouth–it's his to take.

I unclasped his belt and made quick work of the buttons of his pants before yanking the fabric down. I dipped a hand beneath his underwear to wrap around his length, finding it deliciously hard and rigid in my palm.

A sound of surprise slipped past my lips followed by a muffled moan as he attacked my lips with a feverish hunger. I began stroking and teasing him, drawing out an array of delicious noises from him with each steady pump.

A Sickly Sweet Reverie (Leon Kennedy X OC) [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now