Chapter 25: Blood Bonded

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Something in my mind begged me to turn around, follow Chris and chase down that woman–to end all of this. For the team he's lost, and the thousands who've suffered at her hands, but each time I paused to pivot and follow that voice, I couldn't bring myself to do it. So, I continued down the stairs, each step ringing out in the open warehouse like a ghastly wail.

"Simmons should be just up ahead," Leon said, staring down at his phone before looking up to the single door ahead.

I didn't respond. I simply followed.

In the midst of the silence, realization reared its ugly face. I had allowed myself to believe the two of us were tethered, linked by our scars, but maybe I was wrong. I realize that I had always been the scarred one, and Leon was merely there.

My eyes tracked up, noting the tenseness of his shoulder and the intent lining every step.

Perhaps what we have was born from convenience or familiarity. Or perhaps it was resuscitated again and again by Leon's golden heart, beating with life and air simply because he could not bear to look upon the shattered pieces of myself strewn across the floor.

Something twisted at my gut just thinking the words.

Helena lingered a few feet beside me, and I could see her gaze flicking to me every few moments, like she was checking I wasn't about to explode. She didn't say anything, nor offer comfort, but she just continued onward at my side.

It was completely silent as Leon led us out the side door, weaving us through the chain link fences, industrial equipment, and warehouses. The city was a whispering ember. Meek voices drifted from the steady stream of wind rushing through the alleys, but a screeching horn of a train shoved them beneath the rapids. I stared overhead as we turned onto one of the main pathways, looking through the ropes of electrical wires and strings bearing fallen banners toward the towering skyscrapers in the distance. The city was still alight with the glow from the streets and buildings, meaning things hadn't fallen to absolute ruin yet.

Leon stopped at a set of double doors, double checking his phone before turning back toward us.

"If Sherry's info is correct, Simmons is inside." The train horn blared once more, "Ready?"

Helena nodded, palming her weapon, and I mimicked her actions. Leon looked at me, something I couldn't place shining in his eyes for just a second before he turned and slowly opened the door.

The warehouse inside was littered in palettes stacked high with small boxes. Towering cement columns supported the open air structure of the building, where the light from the train echoed throughout the complex. We weaved through the few stacks of crates and palettes, guns raised and our steps quiet until we entered an empty space in the center.

Leon stepped forward first, followed by Helena.

"Simmons!" She snarled, taking a few steps forward and raising her weapon skybound. I cleared the threshold, pointing my gun where Leon and Helena had set their sights on a large group of men. The lights from the train slashed by, partially illuminating the men lined up along the second story overlook, machine guns pointing back at us.

Simmons was a few paces behind them, turning as he spoke, "Well, this is unexpected. I suppose my stowaway on board didn't complete its task."

He knew we were on that plane, and had it taken down because of us. I gritted my teeth, not allowing my mind to stray from this moment. I could let the guilt shred me apart later.

Before anyone could respond, a door behind us burst open, and I quickly turned to face whoever it was that flanked us. My eyes widened as Sherry rushed forward, with Jake right behind her.

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