Chapter 18: Hook, line and...

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After setting the B.O.W.s ablaze, I told Leon and Helena of Simmons' name etched in the stone. Once they knew who the tomb belonged to, it didn't take long for them to begin seething with rage.

Their rage simmered down faster than mine however, and we walked down the narrowing hallway only to come face to face with the flooded tunnel. Algae and debris floated upon the surface and obscured whatever lurked beneath the depths. The water may be only waist high, but a monster needed only a few inches to drag someone down and drown them.

Helena waddled in first, leaving me and Leon to take up the rear.

"Jesus," I hissed, taking my first step into the icy water. The doors behind us were shut, but the murmur of fire still reached my ears.

"Wanna be carried?" Leon asked, a smirk playing on his lips. He was a few steps ahead of me.

"Knock it off," I said, my eyes fixed on the midnight blue water as I shuffled inwards until my waist vanished beneath the surface. I could barely make out my feet through the few feet of water. My stomach twisted over on itself.

"Hey, you're okay," Leon said, wading over to me to press a hand to my back. The idea of swimming didn't strike fear in me, but the promise of what may be beneath the surface, waiting to strike, plunged that dagger deep.

"Let's just...get out of here fast," I said, my mouth suddenly bone dry. He nodded, moving ahead to guide us into the large domed room beyond. The waterfall in the center pounded against the water's surface, sending ripples spreading out to the walls. Random bits of carved rock had caved in through the years, leaving large obstacles scattered around the space. There was another arched hall across the room, carved into the worn stone.

Leon began moving, guiding us around the outer wall on our way to the next path. Coffins were littered around the space, some even cutting through the surface of the dark water as they idly waded. I spotted a few that were empty and made a mental note to steer clear of the space around them.

"Just once I'd like to find a place flooded with warm water," Leon said as we reached the hall. I chewed on my lip, sparing him a huff of laughter for his attempt to cool my bubbling nerves. The walls on either side were damaged, leaving massive breaks of missing bricks where you could see the compact dirt beyond.

Structural damage. Great.

The hall curved, leading us into another open space beyond. The path we were on was cut off from the rest of the room by a short mud dam, but the room beyond was massive. The natural sediment ceilings were curved, creating rounded pockets where small streams could pour down into the great bodies beneath them.

If it wasn't for our current circumstances, I would actually call this place picturesque. But the owners of these catacombs ensured its perversion by planting that twisted lab above it. What was once jaw dropping architecture was now corrupted.

We continued along the watery course, the temperature seeming to drop with each step we took until we reached a gate blocking our path. Leon eyed the rusty metal, his gaze sweeping up to the chains overhead.

"If I boost you up, think you can find where those chains meet?" Leon said, looking at me as he pointed at the chains linked to the corners of the gate. I followed them until they disappeared to an unseen area to the right. I met his eyes again with a nod.

He moved toward the wall cupping his hands in front of him. This ledge was much higher than the train, but I should still be able to manage. I followed him, placing my hands on his shoulders to help steady myself.

"Be careful," He murmured, his breath caressing my features as he gripped the bottom of my shoes.

"I will," I placed my hands on his shoulders and met his ice blue eyes. "And don't look up my skirt, pervert," The comment tugged a snort from him as he squeezed the bottom of my shoes and hoisted me up. I stepped onto his shoulders, his warm hands steadying my legs as I reached for the ledge. I hooked my foot around the engraved stone that wrapped around the top of the room and threw my elbows over the ledge.

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