Chapter 17: The family always wins

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I tried to focus on Helena, listening to her retell the story of how her sister was kidnapped and she was forced to participate in their plan to assassinate the President, but my gaze kept drifting back to Ada across from me.

She caused all this shit, and we're just standing here instead of bringing her to justice. Leon helped her, rushed to her aide when she needed it. My gaze flicked to him. His blond brows were drawn as he listened to Helena's story, his eyes pinched in focus. It's just who he is, forever the boyscout. He'd save anyone in that situation, so why am I grinding my teeth hard enough to crack a tooth? My gaze snapped to Helena as a familiar name left her mouth.

"Simmons? He did this?" I asked. Helena nodded as she met my gaze. That's why she didn't want to tell us, in her eyes we had no reason to believe her story, especially if she accused a long-time, high ranking government official.

"That sounds like Simmons alright," Ada said, placing a hand on her hip.

"So what, are you two in kahoots?" I said, my brows lowering as I shot her a glare. Her dark eyes flickered to mine for a moment, but she didn't answer my question.

"Why would Simmon's do all this?" Leon asked, pulling her attention away.

"Long story," She was, giving him a half smile just as her phone went off. I want to find a brick, and smash it into her smiling face. She pulled out her phone and glanced at it for a second.

"We're up against the people who really run this country," She said, not answering the call as she took a few steps to circle around Leon's back before going on, "In a very dangerous game." She peered at me from over his shoulder as she passed behind him. "And if you don't play your hand right..."

"Enough with the riddles, explain before I shoot you right here and now," I growled. The corner of her mouth twitched up, knowing she'd hit the nerve that could send me into a blind rage. Leon raised his brows at me, perhaps surprised with the venom dripping from my mouth.

"Always a delight," She purred, looking from me to Leon before yanking her grapple gun free from her belt. I lunged toward her, but couldn't close the space between us before she launched through the air up to a wooden walkway far overhead.

"Son of a bitch," I snapped, watching her disappear into another tunnel system.

"What the hell was that supposed to mean?" Helena said, staring after her.

"Don't bother trying to decipher it, everything that comes out of that woman's mouth is bullshit," I growled.

A chime went off behind me, and I turned as Leon pulled out his phone and accepted the incoming call. Hunnigan's voice came through a second after her face appeared on the screen.

"Leon, where are you?" She asked.

"Is Simmons there?" Leon asked, eyes searching the background where programmers and informants sat.

"Yes," She answered, her voice barely more than a murmur.

"You need to be careful, he's the one who did all–," He was cut off as another male voice came through the phone.

"Did I hear my name?" Simmons stepped into frame, the light from the monitor casting him in a low blue glow that accentuated his wrinkled features. His eyes were sharp–knowing. I kept out of frame as Helena stepped into the camera's view. He kept his features neutral as Helena's features twisted into a scowl.

"Ah, the president spoke highly of you Agent Kennedy," Simmons said, leaning in so Hunnigan was forced to back away if she didn't want to touch him.

"Likewise. He told me you two had been friends for 30 years," Leon kept his voice flat and his expression blank. I will never understand how he is able to hide even the slightest hint of emotion from his face.

A Sickly Sweet Reverie (Leon Kennedy X OC) [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now