Chapter 29: Mjollnir

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So sorry for leaving y'all hanging for a month, I just got caught up with life! I'm staring a new job in January, went to Europe and finished a class (Plus I may have gotten a little distracted  writing a fantasy novel I'm working on :3) 

Anyway, ENJOY! only two more chapters after this!!


Done. Done. Done.

The word became a hissing chant in my head as we made our way up the stairs. Each step sent shockwaves up my legs that threatened to buckle my knees at any moment. I was mere moments, mere tears, away from collapsing.

Just finish the mission and go home. Then I can shatter. Then I can lose it.

My eyes flicked up to Leon, who was a few steps ahead. 'Left you a surprise on the roof '.That's what Ada's text had apparently said. I hadn't wanted to investigate the message further, and I definitely didn't want to know how she managed to get his number, or contemplate the possibility she already had it.

It's fine. It isn't my place to question who Leon is with anymore, if it ever was in the first place. He deserves someone good in his life anyways. Who was I to intervene?.

Leon led the way through the single door at the top of the stairwell. The wind howled in my ears, clawing stray strands of hair into my face as I surveyed the rooftop.

The tops of the towers were larger than I anticipated, and much more versatile than the ground floors suggested. Two large trees, a few large potted plants and a bench was off to the right, acting as a small faux courtyard where employees may take lunch. The small whisper of leaves was so at odds with the distant sounds of destruction coming from the city below.

"There," Leon said, pointing toward the North tower across from our own. A helicopter was perched on the helipad tucked into the far corner.

"Where are the civilians?" Helena asked, her gaze flicking from the large oak to the helicopter.

"They must've already been airlifted out," I said, even if the words felt hollow in my chest.

"Come on. Let's get to the chopper and get out of here," Leon said, setting off toward the small courtyard, where the catwalk connecting the towers was concealed beyond the brush.

We followed behind as the sky overhead began to flicker with splashes of pale light, promising a storm. We crossed through the small lush courtyard, the grass cushioning our heavy steps as we moved passed the bench and oak tree. As I crouched beneath a low hanging branch, I finally got a full view of the adjacent tower.

The area was divided in two by a chain link fence, keeping a crowd of infected back. Dozens of them turned their gaze toward us, the movement riling them up and prompting an all out frenzy to get to the fence.

Almost all of them were in street clothes, with a handful dressed in police blues and BSAA green. The swollen skin of their cheeks mashed into the metal, leaving small streams of blood to paint the once foggy gray to a dark red.

The civilians. They didn't get out, at least not all of them.

The look of their mangled faces and hunger-clouded gazes chipped away at the tight grip on my composure. I raked a hand down my face as thunder boomed over our heads, followed by the skitter of lightning still hidden behind the blanket of darkened clouds.

"Let's go," Leon said, his hand coming up to cup my elbow. The touch that would normally send goosebumps rolling up my flesh now only pinched the shrinking place in my chest.

My eyes clipped to him as he moved toward the catwalk. He needs someone he doesn't have to coddle, someone strong, someone who wouldn't drag him down.

I blinked back the burn behind my eyes, using the second to gather myself before crossing the catwalk to follow.

A Sickly Sweet Reverie (Leon Kennedy X OC) [BOOK 3]Where stories live. Discover now