Chapter 12: 12,234 failed attempts

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For a brief moment, only the image of her face occupied my thoughts. Then the fiery pits of hell opened its maw and scorched Ada's chocolate eyes into ash, giving way to the boiling rancor within me. That rage ran through me, obliterating any semblance of control as I slammed a fist into the desk, rattling its contents, "FUCK!"

Why? Why does it always have to be this woman? Is this the organization she's been serving–acting as their virus snatching bloodhound? Rage and guilt tasted the same on my tongue. She beat me. Twice. Did my failure contribute to this catastrophe? On the helicopter that vial slipped right through my fingers before I plunged toward the water below–before Ada slithered off with the Plaga. Are remnants of the Plaga in this new virus? Would that explain their chrysa-

"Mykie," Leon said from a few steps behind me. I hadn't realized I'd begun pacing in front of the bubbling tanks.

"She did this. I should have known she was involved," I spat, continuing the pace to stop myself from throwing a fist into the wall. My jaw was clenched so tight I'd surely feel it for days.

"We don't know that yet," Leon began, making me stop in my tracks and whip toward him. Helena's features were a combination of concern and confusion, like she'd unwittingly been designated a mediator between strangers.

"Is this what you wanted to show him?" I hissed, "Do you know this woman?" Helena retreated a step at my accusation.

"N-No I swear! I thought...," She trailed off, her gaze catching on the tank to my left.

"I'm gonna find her, and I'm gonna kill her," I spat, my voice laced with thunder and my vision going blurry with clouded rage. Leon stepped forward, grabbing my trembling hand.

"Cool it. We're not going to get any answers if you can't get a handle on yourself."

"We find out she's involved, and you expect me to stay calm?" I snapped, snatching my wrist from his grasp. "No, maybe staying calm is the opposite of what I need to do right now."

"We don't have any reliable information. For all we know the tapes are doctored," Leon countered.

"After all she's done, she's lost any right she had to the benefit of doubt." I spat, anger tearing away any ounce of restraint. He looked ready to respond, opening his mouth but I didn't want to hear it. I turned on him like a viper, venomous fangs descended as I hissed, "and if you doubt that then perhaps there's a conflict of interest here. Seen her recently?"

He blinked, pulling back slightly like my words had struck him.

Oh no.

The ice in his eyes was melting, a hint of his pearly teeth passed through parted lips, and those long lashes dusted his cheeks as he blinked slowly, methodically, as if he didn't believe what he was seeing.

My anger slipped on the rung of the ladder it had been climbing, giving way to burning embarrassment and regret. I blinked back the sharpness in my gaze as his eyes pinned me to the spot, his jaw tightening as he stood straight, as the ice hardened again and I could no longer understand the thoughts behind them. My mouth had gone bone dry, stopping any semblance of an apology or explanation. It was quiet for what felt like hours before he spoke

"We need to check the rest of this lab."

I didn't follow him as he strode for the door. My thoughts were consumed by the bitch in the red dress, or whatever crimson article of clothing she wore now. Ada. Ada fucking Wong. I clenched and unclenched my fingers, trying to distract my anger with anything but what I'd just spat at Leon. Helena proved to be the savior, stepping closer and drawing my attention.

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