Chapter 30: Unheard Praise

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The dull roaring in my ears didn't stop on the flight to Washington. It was easy to avoid Leon on the trip back. The on site medical team tended to us as if we were harmless children, and after all the shots and bandages and tests, I simply said I wanted to sleep. The lie passed through my lips like red wine, and when I shut myself away in my cabin sleep evaded me.

Whenever my lids closed, all I could see was Ada and him. The way she'd saved him time and time again, the way he's gone up to bat for her even in the most unlikely times. And what am I in comparison? Some beaten and broken mess that needs to be propped up. How did I even have the confidence to compete? How was I so blind?

When the plane landed upon the Washington soil, my decision was made. I couldn't taint his life any longer. I couldn't rely on him anymore. I was only holding him back with whatever the hell was going on inside me. How did I justify hurting him for so long?

Simple. I fancied myself in love with him, enamored with the idea of happiness I did not deserve. So I would leave him, but not without a final gift.

"--and thanks to this intel, and Ms. Irons attestation, you'll both be cleared of all charges," The director of the DSO's voice jostled me from my thoughts and I finally tuned into the conversation.

I nodded, hoping no one noticed I'd been spacing. The director went on, but my attention was fixed on O' Brian across the polished oak table. His head was resting in his palm as he fixed me with an unreadable expression, like he was looking for constellations in the freckles dotting my cheeks.

"We'll have to go over more about Ada Wong once we've received all the reports. There's just too much coming in from all over," The director was just babbling now, glancing at the notes I'm sure his secretary typed up.

Anger was welling up in my stomach as he went on, pen flicking back and forth in his clean fingers. What about the restoration efforts? What is he doing with all those that managed to make it out of the city? Right now I don't care about her, I care about them.

A small chime sounded in the room, and my brows raised from where they'd been dipping low on my forehead as O'Brian reached into his pocket. He produced his phone, glancing at the screen for just a few seconds before putting it away and looking at the DSO director.

"My other agent has arrived. If you're finished with us, we're gonna take our leave."

The man looked back and forth between us, some nonchalant dumb expression on his face. "Oh, yes. Of course." He stood up, flattening the crease in his Versace blazer as he extended his hand toward O' Brian. "I'll forward you any information we receive, and I hope you plan to do the same."

O'Brian accepted with a nod before he looked at me. I took the que, rising to my feet and reluctantly accepting the director's hand as he offered it.

"Thank you for your service," He smiled, a practiced political gesture meant to sign deals and lock down contracts. I didn't return his smile as I turned, my eyes roaming over Helena and Leon still seated in the two chairs beside mine.

Leon hadn't managed to get the seat beside me, and he stared at me with unreadable eyes. As I passed the chairs, Helena reached out and snagged my wrist. "Thank you, for everything" Her touch was warm, and the slight squeeze exuded real gratitude.

"There's no need to thank me," I squeezed back, before looking up to Leon.

Fuck. I could see my goodbye written in the reflection of those glacial eyes, but I couldn't say it here. Hell I don't think I could say it at all without weeping so I just nodded, "Kennedy."

Perhaps it's my passive gesture or the blank look in my eyes that caught him off guard, but something narrowed in his gaze as he responded, "Always a pleasure." He played the part of casual work friend well, which is probably why no one had caught on after all these years.

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