Chapter 24: Wrong Side

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My smut companion piece is out :) It's called Promised Pleasure, check out the first 2 chapters on my page!!


We exited the ruined restaurant, the copper scent of blood giving way to the cool breeze weaving through the narrow streets. No one was around, but I'm sure Simmons made sure the whole area was cleared before he moved in. If our intel is sound, the digital map on Leon's phone says we just need to cross the small warehouse district before we'll find him.

My footfalls were firm against the trashed street, bits of newspaper sticking to the soles of my blood soaked sneakers as we passed fences and open lots. Each step became lighter, quickening as I thought of finally getting my hands on this bastard. Showing restraint isn't one of my finer skills, so it will be a challenge to not shoot him down where he stands.

The small whine of metal hinges caught my attention, making my neck crane over one of the short nearby fences. I saw the flash of color first, shining blue and red. It was Ada, wrapped in a silken blue dress and red scarf, strolling through a rusting door at the top of the stairs. I was moving before the door to the aging warehouse fully closed behind her.

I focused on the stairs in front of me, making sure my steps were precise as I raced up the steps, the image of Ada sending flames licking up my spine. Perhaps she's on her way to meet Simmons right now. Maybe they'll make this easy, and we can make it two birds with one stone. Lucky for me we don't need Ada alive, just Simmons.

My fingers curled around the door handle, but before I could tear it open and dart inside Leon grabbed my shoulder. I whirled to look back at him, where he was raising a hand and opening his mouth in an attempt to extinguish the flames raging within me. His actions did nothing to soothe the hot venom pulsing through my veins, but a deep breath exited my lungs and I stepped aside to allow Helena to climb the last few steps. Right, we need to be smart about this. She can't get away this time.

When she was ready, I eased open the door and stepped in with my weapon raised. I pressed against one of the machines near the wall, my eyes swept through the columns of electrical equipment lining the room, connected by thick orange cords that traveled the length of the room. The instruments around us hummed a solid tune, blocking out any clicking of heels.

I ducked deeper into the room, using the rows of machines as cover as I checked each shadowy crevasse before moving onto the next. Leon appeared next to me, our movement mirrored as we approached from each side of the stacks.

We paused just before the end of the row, exchanging a nod before we turned to the next section. Nothing but empty space and electrical components greeted us. Impatience took over, but just as I was about to lower my gun and curse whatever god was stopping me from wrapping my fingers around her neck, the squeal of metal hinges echoed throughout the room. I didn't confirm Leon was following before I jutted forward, eyes fixed on the next section of the room hidden more machines. My gaze stopped on Ada, her back turned toward me as she stepped into the next room.

"Stop," I growled, my voice laced with silent thunder. She paused, her hand still propping the door open as she turned to face me. Leon and Helena stepped up behind me, guns trained on her. The pistol felt hot against my palms as Ada let a delicate smile play across her mouth that sliced through any semblance of composure I was hanging onto. That smile just signed her death warrant. Before I could pull the trigger, bullets sprayed from the warehouse beyond, creating blackened holes in the propped door next to her head.

Ada ducked, avoiding the continued shots as she raised a hand toward the ceiling, the grapple gun in her palm. I sprang forward, hands vying to snag her red scarf, but it was too late. She flew deeper into the next room, the door slamming shut behind her.

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