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3rd P.O.V

A girl with h/l h/c hair is currently walking down the school's hallway. She have heavy books in her arms. She's helping the school's teacher in bringing the textbook to the class. She struggles to keep balance of the book as she try to make her way to the class.

She finally reach the class and place the books on the teacher's desk. The teacher turn to look at the girl and smile. "Thank you for your help, Y/N" she said. "It's my pleasure, Mrs. Shannon" Y/N said, smiling softly at the teacher.

Y/N makes her way to her seat. She sits down and take out her notebook. She starts to take note every now and then. She feels something hitting her head, but she ignores it. She knows well who's throwing the paperball at her. It's Lizzy, one of her bullies.


After school hours is over. Y/N walks out of school. She get on her bike and cycle home. She notice an old woman trying to cross the busy road. She stops her bike and rush to help the old woman.

"I'll help you, ma'am..." she said, holding her arm. "Thank you, young girl" the lady said. Y/N helps the old lady cross the road.

Y/N walks back to her bike after helping the old lady,  when car comes speeding to her. She quickly jumps out of the way. She falls on her knees. She wince in pain as she check her knees. She notice it bleeding.

She can hear laughter. She turns her head to see it's Lizzy and her gang. "Oh... I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. You're so tiny" Lizzy said. She drives off. Y/N let's out a sigh.

'Is she even allowed to drive? She's not even 16 yet' Y/N thought to herself. She force herself to stand up. She limp towards her bike and get on it. She starts to cycle off, trying her best to continue cycling home.

After a while, she finally reach home. She get off her bike and make her way inside her house. "I'm home" she said in a soft tone. "What took you so long?! Did you go whoring around?" She heard someone said. She turns her head to see her father. His whole face looks red. It's obvious that he's drunk.

"I got a little accident, dad..." Y/N said, showing her knee. "Tch... you're so clumsy. Just go and clean that wound. Wouldn't want it to get worse... I don't want to waste money. Useless brat" he said. "Okay, dad..." Y/N said, in a soft tone. She turns around and make her way to her room.

After entering her bedroom, she makes her way to the bathroom. She take a seat on the bathtub and start treating her wound. She remembers how her mother used to take care of her each time she hurts herself.


Little Y/N is running around in the backyard, as she tried to catch a butterfly. She laughed gleefully as she kept chasing after the small insect. Her mother watching after her from the porch.

Y/N didn't notice a root sticking out of the ground. She tripped and stumbled. She fell on her knees and burst out crying. Her mother instantly panicked. "Y/N!" She yelled. She got up from her spot and rush towards Y/N.

She picked her up and rush her inside the house. She runs passed the living room, startling Y/N's father in the process. "M/N? What's wrong?" He said. "Y/N fell down" is the reply he got. He can feel panic in his chest. He quickly got up and ran after his wife.

Y/N is now sitting on the toilet bowl. Her mother treating her wound. "Y/N..." her father said in a soft voice. Y/N looked up and stared at her dad with teary eyed. "Papa..." she said, sniffed. "Awee..." her father cooed. He walks forward and gently cups Y/N's cheeks, wiping her tears.

"There there... papa's little girl is strong. Pain be gone!" He said. He started to make funny faces at Y/N, which caused the little girl to giggle. Which makes her mom smiles, as she finished bandaging her wound. Her parents smiled softly at their little girl.

End of Flashback

Y/N felt tears streaming down her cheeks, as her mind went back to her small interaction with her dad. His voice cold and lack of emotion as he said those words towards her.

Y/N's mind went back to how he used to be. The truth is... her father isn't always cold and heartless. He used to be a caring and loving father towards her. He changed after the death of his wife, Y/N's mom. Now all he have been doing is slacking around and get drunk.

Y/N's lips starts to tremble at the memory of her mom. Her mom... the only person who was always there for her. The woman who's always ready to give her comfort and sanctuary.

She slides down the bathtub and leans her back against it. She hugs herself as she starts to cry softly. She misses her mother everyday. She wishes more than anything to be able to meet her mom again.

Be brave, positive and strong, Y/N... her mother's voice echoes in her mind. She slowly moves to stand up and walk towards the mirror. She wash her face to freshen herself. She can see her mother in front of her.

And do not forget... to always keep a smile on your face no matter how hard life will be... her mom said in her dying breath. Y/N take a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She slowly starts to smile.

"I promise I'll always smile when life became hard, mother... I miss you, mom. But I know you're in a better place now..." she said in a soft voice as she thinks of her mother.

*to be continued*

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