Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

I enter my room and place my towel on the chair. I let myself fall onto the bed. It's very soft and comfy. I turn to lay on my side and close my eyes. I start to drift off to sleep.

-First Day Of Tutoring-


I wake up to the sunlight seeping through the gap of the curtain. I squint my eyes a little at how bright it is. I keep blinking my eyes, trying to get them to get used to the light.

After a while, my eyes finally adjust to the light. I get up from the bed and grab some fresh pair of clothes. I grab my towel and make my way to the washroom.

After I'm done with showering, I hang my towel on my neck. I open the door and jump in fright when I come face to face with Miles. I let out a huffed as I place my hand on my chest.

"Geez... you scared me" I said. "Sorry... just go and walk down this hall and turn right. We'll be having our breakfast there..." he said. I just give him a soft smile. "Good morning, Miles... and thank you..." I said. He nods his head and walk around me, getting inside the washroom.

I head to my room and place towel on the chair. I head towards where Miles have directed me to go. It looks like a study room. I can see a little girl about the age of 7. Along with Kate and Mrs. Grose. I greet them and take a seat next to Kate.

"Hello, my name is Flora..." the girl said. "Hello... I'm Y/N" I said. "I know..." she said. "Kate have told you about me?" I asked. "Nope..." she said, shaking her head. I look at her in confusion.

"Then how did you know about me?" I asked. She opens her mouth to say something, but she gets cut off as someone enters the room. I turn my head to see Miles. Miles walks over and take a seat across from me.

He sits crossed leg and start to eat the food. I turn to look at Kate, she just shrugs her shoulders. I shake my head and start to eat the food Mrs. Grose have prepared for us.

"The food taste delicious, Mrs. Grose" I said, smiling at her. She just give me a smile. I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to look see Miles. He looks away as soon as he realize I've caught him staring.

"Hmm... we'll be starting the tutoring session today. What subject do you wish to start?" I asked. He turn to look at me. He shrugs his shoulders. "Up to you..." he said. I pursed my lips at his response.

"Hmm... we will start with Math then..." I said. He lets out a sigh at my choice. "Why math of all the subjects?" He asked. I can see disappointment in his eyes. "You did said it's up to me. So no complaining"I said. He just nods his head after I said that.


"Okay... I want you to work on these" I said. I gently move the book in front of Miles. He just grabs his pen and start to work on them. I just lean my back against the backrest.

Miles looks focus as he works on the task I gave him. I stand up and walk towards the bookshelves. My eyes scan through the lines of books on the shelves.

"If you want to read them... you can" Miles suddenly said. I jump at his voice. I turn my head to look at him. He is still sitting down on his spot, with his arms crossed.

"Uh.. yeah. Thanks. But aren't you suppose to work on the task I gave you?" I asked. "I'm done..." he said. I nod my head and walks towards the table. I take a seat on the chair and start to mark it.

As I mark the task, I can feel Miles staring at me. I turn to look at him. Unlike the other times. This time he maintain eye-contact. He stares at me intently. I start to feel nervous by the way he stares.

I force myself to break eye-contact with him. "W-Why are you s-staring at me like t-that?" I asked. "No reason..." he said, finally moving his gaze. I decided to dismiss it and continue checking his work.

"You're quite good at math. Why do you seem like you hate it?" I asked, after I'm done checking. He shrugs his shoulders. "Just because I don't like it. That doesn't mean I'm bad at it..." he said. I nod my head at his comment. "Hm... fair enough" I said. He just smiles.

"Alright then... that's all for today's session. For the session tomorrow... do you want to pick the subject, or do you want me to choose again?" I said. He nods his head. "I'll pick History..." he said. "Okay... sure. History it is" I said.

I jump as the door bursts open. I turn my head to see Flora. "Are you done yet, Miles? I'm bored" She said. "Sure..." Miles said, nodding his head. He turns to look at me. "Can I go now?" He asked. I just nod my head. He smiles and turns around to leave with his sister. I turn to and pack the books.

"So... how's the first day?" I heard someone said. I turn my head to see Kate. "He's surprisingly doing really well" I said. She hums and smiles. "Well. He did have an amazing teacher..." she said, making me smile at her.

"I wonder what kind of game they're playing" I said. "Why don't we find out?" She asked. I turn to look at her. "Can we?" I asked. "Of course... come on" she said. She grabs my hand and starts to pull me with her.

Miles is standing by a horse. He's brushing its fur. I slowly walk towards him. He hear my footsteps and turns to look at me. I just stare at the horse.

"You can come a little closer if you want. She won't hurt you" he said. I slowly make my way towards the horse. I stand in front of the horse as it starts to sniff at me.

Miles gently grab my hand and place it on top of the horse's snout. I let out a giggle as the horse licks the palm of my hand. "She likes you..." he said. I turn to look at him. "Really?" I said. He nods his head.

"Have you ride a horse before?" He asked. "I have... when I was a kid. With my dad. But never on my own. So I don't really know how to..." I said. He nods his head.

"I could teach you if you'd like..." he said. I turn to look at him and smiles. "Sure..." I said, with a nod. He smiles and nods his head. "Great" he said. I can hear a hint of excitement in his voice. For some odd reason, it made my heart skips a beat. But, I don't know... there's just something about Miles. He looks like he's been hiding something. But it's probably not my problem. I mean... I barely even know him.

Sure we've met and occasionally shared eye-contact. But we never said a word to each other until I came to their house. But it's only because Kate personally approached me and asked me to be his teacher. But that's it... so I shouldn't think too much about it and focus on why I came here for. Yeah... that would be best.

*to be continued*

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