Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

I pull away a little to see him sleeping. I smile softly and places a soft kiss on his forehead. I wrap my arms around his upper body, being the big spoon. He moves closer to me. I start to feel sleepy as well. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

-What Is This?-


I woke up the next day. I look around Miles's room to see how messy it looks. I turn to look at Miles who's asleep. I place my hand on his forehead, being careful to not wake him. His fever is gone. So he should be fine now.

"Now... let's do something about this messy room of his. Tch, boys..." I said in a hushed voice. I gently move his arm from my waist. I get up, being careful to not wake him. I start to pick up his dirty clothes that are scattered around the floor.

I stand up and slipped on something, sending me falling back. My back hits the wardrobe and something fell off. The sound wakes Miles up in the process. He turns his head to look at me.

"Ah... I'm so sorry, Miles. I didn't mean to wake you... I was just trying to clean your room" I said. I turn my head to look at the object that had fallen off. It turns out to be a photo album.

"Oh, it's okay, babe..." he said. I turn to look at him and smiles softly. He advert his gaze to the album on the floor. I notice his eyes widening a little. "Ah... it's okay. I'll be the one to clean everything" he said. I just smile at him.

"It's okay, Miles. I only want to be a good girlfriend for you..." I said. I turn to the album and leans down. I pick it up, accidentally opening it. I notice the picture and got curious. I hold it with both of my hands and take a look.

"W-What is this..." I said, staring at the photo wide eyed. I turn to look at Miles. He visibly panics. "What's all this, Miles?? Explain!" I said, turning to photo to face him. He just stay silent. I drop the album on the floor as I stare at it with pure horror.

There's various photos of me from different angles. What terrified me most was that those photo was taken when I was sure I was alone. There's even a photo of me on my bed, asleep.

Miles just look away from me. I walk up to him, placing both my hands on his shoulders. "Explain, Miles! Explain now. How did you get all these pictures!" I said. I can see the look of guilt in his eyes. My eyes widen, realizing the truth. I back away as I stare at him in horror. "You've... you've been stalking me" I said.

He moves to stand up and walks up to me. He try to cup my cheek but I smack his hand away. "Y/N... I-" he try to say, but he gets cut off as his whole face got turned to the side. A red hand print is shown on his cheek. "You just... slapped me?" He said.

"I thought you were better than them... I thought you were different, Miles. But I was so wrong about you! You're... you're disgusting!" I yelled at him. My tears starts to slowly streams down my cheeks. I shake my head as Miles stares at me with a pained expression. His lips starts quivering as he stares at me, pleading me to not say anything else about him. But I was too pained and too horrified after learning the truth to care. "I-I can't b-believe that I fell in love w-with you... I regret ever knowing you!" I choked out.

He shakes his head at what I said. "N-No... d-don't say that. Please..." he said. His own tears starts to fall from his eyes. He try to come closer to me, but I quickly push him harshly.

"Don't even think of coming any closer to me!" I yelled. I breathe heavily as I try to control my breathing. I turn my head away from him as I try to calm myself. I shake my head as tears keeps falling from my eyes. I turn to look at him.

"It's over Miles... I don't want to be with a psycho. Goodbye... I'm leaving" I said. I turn around to leave. But before I could get out of his room, I feel myself gets pulled into a back-hug.

"Don't... leave me, Y/N. Please..." he pleaded. I try to get out of his grip, but he just tightens his arms around me. "Please... I love you, Y/N..." he said. I shake my head at what he said.

"This isn't love. This is an obsession..." I said. He turns me to face him and backs me away until I feel the cold surface of the wall behind me. He pins me against the wall, leaning no chance for me to escape him. "Let go of me!" I said.

"No..." he said. I feel shiver running down my spine at how cold and low his voice sounded. He leans closer to me until his face is close to mine. "I'm never letting you go, Y/N. You're mine... remember that?" He said. I stare at him with fear in my eyes.

"You're crazy..." I said. He let out a chuckle as he cups my cheeks. He places his lips against mine. I struggle to pull away or at least push him away. But his strength is stronger than me.

"I am crazy... crazily in love with you" he said. I just stare at him with my eyes wide in pure terror. He smiles as he caress my cheek. This time I don't feel safe or comforted. All I feel right now is fear.

"I've been there for you, Y/N. Protecting you... keeping you safe from all those sick minded boys who only wants to hurt you..." he said. He looks proud by what he said. I just stare at him, not knowing what else to say. "Aren't you glad to have me?" He said. I just stay silent, without saying anything.

"AREN'T YOU GLAD!!" He yelled out, raising his voice at me. I flinch at his tone. My whole body starts shaking in fear. Miles's eyes widened when he realize what he did. "No... no no no. I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to scare you... I'm sorry" he said. He pulls me closer, embracing me tightly. I just stand there stiffly.

The Miles Fairchild I've known over the passed couple of months. The sweet, kind and loving boyfriend I've grown to love was all a lie. The real Miles Fairchild turns out to be a psycho. Why did it turn to this?

*to be continued*

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