Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

"I'm gonna go and take a shower..." I said. Ruby just nods her head, with a smile. I grab my pajamas and enters the washroom. I walk towards the cubicle and set the water according to my preference. Once I'm satisfied, I step under the water and let my body relax.

What a day...

-Bittersweet Goodbye-


I'm sitting in class reading my novel, as the teacher hasn't arrived yet. I just wait in silence, completely ignoring the others who kept making noises. This is what's been happening everyday.

I feel something hitting my head. I look down at the ground to see it's a scrunch up paper. I let out a soft sigh. They haven't been bothering me for a while. So why did they start again?

The classroom instantly became silent, when the teacher walks in. I place my bookmark on my current page. I place my novel inside my bag and take out my stuff. Notebook, and a pen.

"Mrs. Y/N. The principal wants to see you" he said. I give him a startled look. "Ooooh~" the student said. I gulp and move to stand up. I slowly make my way outside. The whole way to the principal's office. I can feel my heart thumping rapidly against my chest.

After a while of walking, I finally reach the office. I take a deep breath and knock on it. I can hear a soft 'come in' from the other side of the door. I open the door and enter the class.

"You called for me, Mr. Navarro?" I asked. He turn his head to look at me from his paperworks. "Ah yes... Miss L/N. Please, come and take a seat" he said, gesturing towards the chair in front of him. I gulp nervously. I slowly walk towards the chair and take a seat.

"Relax, Miss L/N. No need to worry. You're not in trouble..." he said. I let out a sigh of relief. "So... is there something I can help you with?" I said. "I just called you here to inform you..." he said. "Inform me about what, sir?" I asked. "You know the quiz you all of took a couple of weeks ago?" He said. I just nod my head.

"It was actually a hidden test... to see how well the students handle it" he said. I look at him with a confused expression. He smiles softly at me.

"The test was actually a college level of difficulties... and you're the only one that passed, Miss L/N. So... congratulations, you have earned a ticket for early graduation" he said, smiling proudly at me. I stare at him in complete shock. He gently place a certificate in front of me. I take it from him stare at it.


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"Is... is this real? Am I dreaming?" I said, turning to look at the principle. "No, Miss L/N. It's 100% real. Congratulations... I'm so proud of you" he said. I let out a shaky laugh and starts to grin happily. "Thank you so much, sir!" I said. I stand up, bowing happily at the principal.

He allows me to leave. I thanked him one more time. I turn around and walks out of the office. I hug the certificate close to my chest, still not believing that it's real. I can't believe I've graduated high school.

I enter the class after knocking. Every heads turns to look at me. The teacher smiles softly at me. I smile at the teacher and walks towards my seat. "Congrats, Y/N" he said. The others looks at us back and forth.

"Why are you congratulating her, sir? She got into trouble!" One of my classmates said. The teacher turns to look at her. "She did not get into trouble. She's receiving a certificate" he said, still smiling proudly.

"What certificate?" Another asked. "Your classmate, Y/N... she's officially announced to have been graduated from High School" he said. I can hear a chorus of gasps coming from everyone.

I gather all of my stuff and walk towards the teacher. "Thank you so much for all your guidance, sir... I'll always cherish every single one of them" I said. He smiles and shakes my hand. "You're welcome, Y/N. I'm so proud of you..." he said. I turn to smile at the other students one last time. Then I walk out of the classroom.


I enter my dorm room. Ruby is still at school. So I have to pack everything in the meantime. I'm going to really miss her. She's the only one that acted nice towards me.

After a while, I finally finished packing my stuff. I don't have a lot. So the only thing I have is one big luggage and a backpack.

I yawn softly, as I start to feel sleepy. Maybe I should just take a nap, while I wait for Ruby. I walk towards my bed and lay down. I close my eyes and let myself drift off into a deep sleep.


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!!" Someone yelled. I jump awake from the sudden sound. I turn my head to see Ruby, she's sitting on top of me with both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Geez, Ruby! You scared the sh*t out of me!" I said. She get off me. "Is it true?" She said. "What?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows. Being just woken up, I still feel a little drowsy. So I need a while to understand what she's saying.

"That you've graduated!" She said. My eyes widen in realization. "Oh that... yeah... I have graduated from this school" I said. "Does that means you're leaving?" She said, tearing up. I give her a sad smile and nod my head.

"Yeah... I have to leave soon" I said. As soon as I said that. Ruby starts bawling her eyes out. "Oh Ruby..." I said. I scoot closer to her and gently wrap my arms around her. She instantly returns the hug. She hugs me tightly.

"W-What a-am I g-g-gonna do w-without my b-b-best friend?? I-I'm going t-t-to feel s-so lonely!" She whined. I gently rub her back, trying to comfort her. "Oh... you'll be fine, Ruby. You're probably going to have a new roommate" I said, trying to make her feel better.

"No!! You're the only roommate I want! What if me and that new girl don't get along! What if she hurts me!" She yelled out, bursting into more tears. I just stare at her with a concern face. Well, that's true... neither of us know what the new roommate would be like. I can only hope that Ruby would be fine without me around.

After a while, she finally stops crying. "But I'm still proud of you, Y/N. Promise me you'll never forget about me? You'll call, right?" She said. I smile softly at her and nod my head. "Of course... I will always remember you. You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for..." I said, looking at her through tears. She give me a sad smile and wraps her arms around me. This is such a... bittersweet goodbye.

*to be continued*

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