Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

"Don't worry, 'Kay?" He said. I just nod my head, not wanting to press him any further because that would be invading his privacy. I should be focusing about my feelings instead. Do I feel the same way for Miles? Do I love him the same way he loves me?

-Do I Love Him?-


Miles is currently writing down an essay I told him to do. It's been about 3 months since I first got here. Miles have been very easy to work with. He listens to me really well. I wonder if he's listening to me due to me being his teacher... or because he have feelings for me.

Speaking about his feelings. Since the first day he confessed to me. He's been doing everything he can to prove that he's genuinely in love with me. From the simplest gestures, like giving me compliments every chances he gets. To the point he would start randomly hands me gifts.

I glance at my wrist. There's a bracelet Miles made for me by his own hands. It's actually a couple bracelet. I have a key charm, while he have a lock. I gently trace the charm as I recall what he said when he gave me this bracelet.


I'm walking down the corridor, heading to my room. As I walked I could hear the a sound behind me, followed by a voice.

"Hey, Y/N" I heard. I turn to see Miles. He jogged over to me. "Hello, Miles..." I said. He smiles as he finally reaches me.

"What is it? Do you have a problem with the task I gave you?" I said. "What? No... I'm almost done actually" he said. I hummed softly and nod my head.

"So... is there anything I can do for you?" I said. He smiles at me. "I just wanna give you a gift... I made it myself" he said. "A gift?" I said, looking at him with a surprised expression. He nods his head. He holds out a hand to reveal a small box.

"Here..." he said. I gently take it from him. "What is it?" I asked. "Just open it..." he said. I nod my head and open the lid of the gift box. There's a bracelet inside it.

It's a white bracelet with a key charm

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It's a white bracelet with a key charm. I turn to look at Miles. He smiled softly at me. He outstretched his hand. He rolled up his sleeve slightly to reveal an identical bracelet. But it have a lock charm.

"See this? I have a lock... while you have a key. This means you will be the only one that owns the key to my heart" he said, with a soft smile. I could feel my heart fluttering at his words. "Thank you, Miles... I love it..." I said. His smile widened. He gently grab my hand and slip it on. He holds my hand gently as he stares at me with a loving gaze.

I love you, Y/N

End of flashback

I turn to look at Miles, who's working on his task. He looks so focus right now. I haven't noticed about this because... but Miles is actually really handsome. The freckles on his face, his slightly curled hair. I wonder if they feel soft.

Miles turns his head to look at me and notices me staring. "Something wrong?" He asked. I blink my eyes. "Huh? N-No..." I said, shaking my head. He raise an eyebrow as he stares at me.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" He said. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer. I feel my heart starting to beat faster. "Like what?" I said, trying to sound innocent. He just smile and shakes his head, catching on what I'm trying to do.

"Okay... I'll let you slide this time" he said, chuckling softly. He continue to work on his assignment. I just let out a sigh of relief. "Miles" I said. He hums softly in respond.

"Can I read one these books?" I asked. He turns to look at me and smiles softly. "Sure... read anything you want..." he said. "Thank you!" I said. I stand up and walk over to the bookshelves. I start to read the title that are shown on the binds. I eventually stops when I found something.

"F/A! I love her/his works!!" I said, excitedly. I take the book out of the shelf and walk back to my seat. I turn to look at Miles, to see him staring at me with a smile. "She/he is my fav author too. I love her/his works, especially F/B..." he said. I grin at him. I open the book and start to read.

"Hey, Y/N?" Miles said. I turn to look at him. "Yes?" I asked. "Um... do you... feel anything?" He asked. I look at him in confusion. "Feel?" I said. He just keep staring at me. My eyes widened in realization.

"Oh... right. Um..." I said. I bit my lips and thinks about it. I feel a hand on top of mine. He gently holds my hand. I stare at his hand, as he start caressing the back of my hand ever so gently.

"Do you feel anything for me, Y/N... anything at all?" He said. He's looking at me intensely. I can see the hope in them. I can feel my heart starting to beat faster by his stare. He scoots his chair closer to me and grab my other hand.

"Please say something. Do you feel anything for me? I need to know if I'm making any progress at trying to win your heart, Y/N..." he said, pleadingly. I blink my eyes at the sound of his voice. He sounded upset and lost. Do I feel something for him?

He lets out a sigh, because I kept being silence the whole time. "I understand... you don't feel anything for me" he said, pulling his hand away. He place his notebook in front of me.

"I've finished the task. I'll get going now..." he said. He stands up and walks out of the library before I could say anything else. Even if I stop him... I don't know what I should say. The disappointment in his eyes are enough to make me go silent. Oh God... what should I do? My silence must have hurt him.

I let out a sigh and bury my face into the palm of my hands. 'What have you done, Y/N? You hurt Miles's feelings! You're so stupid' I thought to myself. I feel so dumb for not being able to make clear of myself whether I love Miles or not.

I hear something getting smashed. It sounded from outside. I stand up and walk towards the window. I look out and see Miles. He's grabbing stones and throws it blindly, not caring about the fact that he's shattering some vases. I can feel his frustrations in every throw.

This wouldn't have happened if I could just come clear with myself. Come on, Y/N... just decide! Do you love Miles back or not! You have to decide! You have to stop hurting his feelings!

*to be continued*

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