01. Elijah Mikaelson

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'Did he just smell her' the witch thought confused

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'Did he just smell her' the witch thought confused.

FAITH WAS HAPPY WITH THE PLACE she got now. It was big with enough space for her pets and enough room for her stuff. The only thing she had to add
was building a secret room dor her supernatural stuff.

She spend now some months in Mystic Falls while her brother had directly left to do his job as a soldier. She kept contact with her two kids, Lily and Joshua. They were now studying laws.

Faith did also make some friends with who she got really close with. Bonnie, Elena and Caroline. But she was the closest with Bonnie and Caroline though. Though the healer also felt they were acting strange she just decided that it's probably nothing. Next to them she was also friends with Stefan aka Elena's boyfriend. She sat next to him in English, Biology and Chemistry.

Stefan was a guy who would always make her smile and she could talk good with. Next to that she just felt comfortable with the male. He would every day if he saw her give her favourite Starbucks coffee.


THE GIRL NOW HEARD HER PHONE ring as she was getting ready in the bathroom. With a sight she picked it up.
"Hey it's Faith" she answered into the phone.

After a few seconds a voice was heard. "Faithy!! We have big big big news!" her best friend Athena's voice was now heard.

"Omg hey Thena! Really what is the big news?"

"Me, Sky and Holly are coming tommorow! We bought a house here!"

"Oh my God thats amazing! I missed you all so much, but don't you all have college?"

"Yes we do but we have magic so no worries!"

"Alright well I need to go as I am going to a masquerade I will talk to you another time"

"Oohh have fun! Bye"


The call then ended and the healer was now smiling from ear to ear.
It was the masquarade today, but she doubted if she should go or not. Since she didnt like social events. She always got uncomfortable.

It was night when Faith arrived there, wearing a short black/red dress.

But when she was close to the entrance, she felt anxiety coming, since her arms were shown with scars and bruises. So Faith turned around. She knew it was just 3 scars but still. The bruises... She threw her leather jacket on and moved away from the entrance.

THE IMMORTAL HEALER                                            Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now