05 Rescue

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I can't breath

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I can't breath..


Faith asked him, sitting on the couch facing him, scared.

Elijah looked at the tribrid with a blank expression. "No I won't." he said, stirring his tea with a small teaspoon.

"Why am I here?"

"Lets say...you intrigure me...you dont want to kill and you dont like lying, but thats not good for us, because our plan needs to stay solid"

He put his tea down and then walked towards her. Faith backed away on the couch, but Elijah grabbed her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. Fuck, Faith thought. One of her weaknesses was that even though she was a supernatural, she could still be compelled and she didn't take vervain yesterday or today yet.

Elijah his pupils dialeted as he compelled Faith. "you will not tell anyone about the plan exept if its with me, Elena, Damon or Stefan."

After that Faith just automatically repeated him. Elijah let go of her chin and sat beside her now.

Faith looked confused.

"So...what now...can I go now?" she asked him, hoping he would.

"No, you are gonna stay here for a while."

"But...you said you only took me so you could compell me. You compelled me so let me go!" she responded, shooting a glare at the man in suit.

"No I am not letting you go... yet." He said and with that the warlock made Faith fall asleep.

At the Salvatore house, Elena entered Stefan's bedroom. "Stefan? Stefan?" she called out.

After not getting an answer, she sighted. "You're standing right behind me, aren't you?" Elena had realised.

"Yep." Stefan replied, standing indeed behind her.

She turned around and kissed him.
"Good morning." Stefan said after the kiss.

"I don't want us to be apart anymore. Ever."

"Me neither, but..." he started, but got cut off by Elena.

"Don't ruin the moment." and they kissed again, but Stefan stopped, feeling something was wrong.

"You're about to ruin the moment, aren't you?"

"I'm totally ruining the moment. Look, I can't just pretend like everything is okay. When Faith is with Elijah" he explained sitting on his bed now.

THE IMMORTAL HEALER                                            Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now