04 Compelled

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~I hate having the feeling that Im trapped with no way out. It reminds me of the past, and that's what I'd like to forget.-Faith Leigh Frensh

she went out of bed, and skipped to the bathroom to change her outfit. Damon wanted her to meet up with him with her twins at Elena her house, because it was safer. Well that's what he said.

Faith was still sick, and Elijah was alive. That was the dangerous thing, Damon had said on the phone. Holly helped Faith going down the stairs as Faith her fever was still there.

"I do need to go to school and do other stuff" the tribrid mumbled.

"Please just think of your health first for once..." Holly sighted.


Faith was in too deep thoughts, as someone was researching her appearently, and taking pictures of her. It creeped her out, and she wanted to figure out who was doing this and why.

As they arrived at Elena her place, Jeremy smiled and asked if he could hold one of her babies. Faith smiled how he made babynoises with her daughter who looked happily at him with big eyes.

As Holly placed the son in his buggy, she turned around to go to work. Holly went fast outside and as Faith saw her girlfriend going outside, she jumped up from the couch, running to the frontdoor to catch up with her as she wanted to kiss her goodbye.

Though she hit an invisible barrier and fell backwards on the ground. Holly looked at her girlfriend, feeling guilty.

"Im sorry my love.."

"What why.....why cant I go outside..." Faith muttered as she got up, and placed her hands on the barrier and looked with puppy eyes at the blonde werewitch.

Holly shook her head, slightly chuckling. "Puppyeyes dont work. This is to keep you safe. Elijah is around, and you're sick. You have to get your energy back."

Faith crossed her arms as a little kid. "Not fair!" she complained.

Holly laughed at that. "Sometimes you act like a little kid babe" this made the brunette smile a bit.

"But thats one of the things what you love about me" she smirked.

"Thats very true. But now I have to go to work before I get fired. Love ya!!" Holly replied, and kissed waved a goodbye to her girlfriend before driving away.

THE IMMORTAL HEALER                                            Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now