Chapter 15

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I awoke to it being bright out and a note on the pillow next to me. I picked it up and read it.


I am glad my alarm didn't wake you, but I chose to let you sleep. I got pills from my mom and they are on the nightstand for you.

Karen and Kenny may be home before me, I have some stuff to do before coming home. I will text you if I am going to be later than expected.

Take it easy today.


I set the note on the nightstand and laid my head back on the pillow. I reached for my phone, I had neglected to check it over the past few days due to my injury. There were sweet messages from a lot of people hoping I got better soon, that what I did was badass, a couple of them mentioned that they now knew better than to fuck with me. It made me smile.

This was a place where I wanted to stay.

Even if the girls were rude at first they seem to have realized their mistake.

The only issue is fatass.

I sighed as I got a message.


Cartman is back today, looks a little rough still but he was making rude comments about you not being here, no one appreciated them though. I snapped saying you were here yesterday but pushed yourself too hard.

I quickly responded to her.

(Y/N)❀: I bet he didn't take that well.

Wendy: Of course not. But when he remembered he was dealing with me, he shut his mouth pretty quick. Will miss seeing you today girl.

(Y/N)❀: At least there is tomorrow!

Wendy: There is that. I am really hoping you are okay for the sleepover, class is starting now though, ttyl.

I smiled at the messages and set the phone back down after clearing my messages. I then had a thought and grabbed it.

Why hadn't I heard from my parents at all?

I quickly called my mum and was immediately sent to voicemail. I then called dad, where it rang and I shook my leg until he answered.

"(Y/N), what's up?" He asked.

"I just... haven't heard from you guys in a while now and started to worry."

"Oh, well. Your mum has been working hard to try to get me close by, but every time we think we find something the position fills. Also, Mitch called me again and said that it was pointless to try to find work in Colorado." I gripped the blankets as the next words came out of his mouth, "It looks like we have to uproot you from your friends hon."

"I... no. I can't start over again. I am happy here, like, genuinely happy."

"Well, unless Mitch changes his mind, we are all moving to Florida."

"O-okay." I choked out.

"Have a good day sweetie."

"Bye dad." As I hung up I looked at the wall. My life was about to cease.

I pulled the blankets up over my head and started to cry. I ended up falling asleep eventually, and woke up to a weight sitting on the bed.

"Hey (Y/N). Have you eaten yet today?" Kenny's voice said through my blanket walls.

"Fuck off." I choked out.

"That is not a response (Y/N)."

"I don't want to eat. I just want to stay here."

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