Chapter 1

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TW: sexual assault, attempted rape, drug use(not described but mentioned), alcohol use(not described but mentioned)

I thank the gods often for finally listening to my prayers and allowing my mother and me to stay together. I also thank them for letting me go with the scarred woman but then curse the gods for making her and the short, ugly man so stern. They aren't fully mean or dislikeable but the beating received and training they made us do was intolerable. The couple, not romantic but just friends, also took a few others from the individual biddings.

We found out their names were Celeste and Micha. Celeste the female ended up being fae along with Micha and wished to train us to do their bidding. Celeste looked over our physical training with fighting and magic.  Micha taught us how to live in this world and not to get caught by authorities.

As soon as we got to the place that we now call home the group of us were thrust into individual reinforced rooms and weren't allowed out for 3 weeks. The only sunlight we had was when we took a walk to freshen up or when food was delivered. We were put there so our magic wouldn't destroy the house when it finally manifested from the lack of iron in our surroundings and diets. We did settle in the compound but not properly so those few weeks were torture.

I still have memories of the screams and buildings blowing up. When healers came in and patched us back up as quickly as possible. The pain of when my magic coursed through me and I finally felt at home in my new immortal body and the pain of when I killed the people who were healing me, keeping me alive. 

Those few weeks and then month still haunt me to this day but it was all needed so that we could be trained in our magic and learn to control it. When we were finally let out there were only 4 of us still worth training. One killed themself from the pain and another was left unable to move his lower legs thanks to something that happened in his room, he wouldn't speak of it.

A few days after being let out we were held down onto a table and tattooed with golden ink in intricate swirls that covered the majority of our bodies. The pain from the needles sent the group into hysterics. Because of the faes' fast healing, the ink had salt mixed in which made the sting even worse.

None of us knew our exact ages and just guessed it was a long time considering how long each of us have been slaves. The youngest to make it out was an 80-year-old demi-fae, Mathew. We became friends quite quickly and my mother basically adopted him as soon as they met. His hair has never been touched and refuses to let anyone touch it or cut so it almost reaches to the small of his back and is usually worn in a braid or two and sometimes put into a very large bun. Mathews's eyes however are a dull grey colour and are the only boring thing about him. He always has a smile on his face and makes it his personal job to make everyone laugh and feel better.

Next in line is 105-year-old, Darius. He was the quietest but knows how to crack a good joke. His darker skin made the inkings in his skin stand out more and the male looked like a god himself. The tattoos are different for each person and Darius's spin and swirl around his head shown off by his lack of hair. His eyes match the markings on his skin and stand out magnificently.

My mother, Maria, is the eldest at around 200 years old. I received my darker skin and curly hair from her though my eyes are purely my father's. Hers are a dark brown almost black that gives a motherly gaze to anyone she sees. She never originally wanted me but soon was glad she kept me.  She was one of the most brutal fighters and a favourite of Celeste. She also ended up being a favourite of Micha.

All of us had our specialities. Mathew with his good looks and magic, Darius with his sheer size and intimidation, my mother with her brutal fighting and I with my magic and ability to get into people's minds and crush them like a grape. Celeste said that I am a daemati, a creature of magic from another land and that I am a rare find. She also said to be careful using my powers as it's different and might end up being something further looked into by authorities.

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