Chapter 5

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When I went out to help patrol last night there were a few things I didn't expect to happen

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When I went out to help patrol last night there were a few things I didn't expect to happen. One being Rowan joining, two being the fact that we were attacked and the third being a beautiful female running into the group halfway to death. Oh and fourth her being shot with an arrow and healing instantly but leaving the other wounds.

We all agreed that it was better to take her to the castle healers, especially after her small display of magic. Not even those blessed by Silba could do something like that. We also spoke about any possibilities of why she was running and who those chasing her were. She seemed like she had too much money to steal something, those chasing her could be assassins but then they wouldnt be well-trained assassins. She mentioned killing one, whose body we found later, so she could be a fighter with a feud with another. She could have just gotten involved with the wrong people.

Either way, we wouldn't find out until she woke up. They've already put her on supervision in case it was all a setup but she seemed genuinely scared.

I would say I'm intrigued by her. A mysterious female with an even more mysterious life.

We all sat down to talk about what to do with her and agreed that we would keep her under strict supervision until we find out that she isn't a danger to anyone in and around the castle.

This time I wasn't rejected when I asked to look after her. Rowan got to look after Aelin and I get to look after mystery girl.


"Don't do anything stupid Fenrys," Rowan grumbled as we walked to the healers' quarters.

"Don't worry-" I turned to face him and smiled, he wasn't smiling at all "-I won't do anything stupid, your highness."

He growled as I added on the last part. He never ended up liking or getting used to the formalities. So, while he got a higher rank in society I got another way to piss him off.

"Fenrys I mean it," Rowan stated. "For all we know this could be planned and a way to get into the castle, plus with the masquerade coming up there are a few more problems."

We walked outside and across one of the many tiny courtyards. "I know, everyone is still on edge from the war and there are multiple problems with having a celebration like this so early." A few females walked by and giggled as we passed. "I understand why we have to host it though."

"You know exactly why Boyo."

I do, we are the best off after everything that happened. Adarlan was a choice for the party but their citizens are still a bit edgy about magic even though their king has it.

I smiled as I stepped up to the already opened door and knocked. I walked in first with Rowan in tow. He nodded to acknowledge the healers and then grabbed my arm to stop me from walking any further into the room.

When I turned and looked at him, his expression said enough, wait and don't go too quickly. She could be violent, we don't know. I nodded and he walked through the entrance and into the closed-off area.

I heard him as he spoke quietly to someone on the other side of the walls. The person replied to him in a soft voice only speaking when necessary. I listened to the creaking of floorboards and continued watching as my friend walked back into the main area.

I went to speak to him but was stopped as he pulled me outside and started speaking.

"We do not know her name and she seems adamant about keeping it from us and she is pretty calm and doesnt seem like a danger, but she also seems on edge."

"So what does that mean for me?" I was kind of confused. "I just have to learn her name and make sure she isn't a threat? She's a person like us so treat her as such-"

Rowan cut me off, "Fenrys we know, but with the war and everything we can't be too careful."

"I know just let me speak to her." Rowan surprisingly nodded and stepped aside. I walked back into the building and the female was up in the main area talking to one of the healers.

I stayed in the doorway and didn't go further. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't beautiful. Her brownish hair fell down her body in curls that reached mid-back, caramel skin that was shaped perfectly in all the right places and seemed to shimmer, and slight, no not slight, muscle showing that she works out. If you look close enough you see that the shimmer on her skin is actually gold patterns that swirl across her skin.

I wonder how far that gold goes. How nice it would be to kiss, every inch of it- no shut up she's looking at me and a fae. She'll think I'm a creep.

Though now that she's facing me I can get a better look at her face. The patterning also makes its way up her neck and frames her face and curls wonderfully. Her eyes are a lighter brown and I'd say if it was the right light they'd also be a gold colour.

She is a breathing, walking, living god.

"You done staring?" her voice was soft and direct. Gods this will be fun.

"Just making sure the female I have to watch over looks good." I smiled.

"And does she meet your insatiable male wishes?" She quipped.

"Seems so." I pushed off the wall and stepped forward and she stood up from her seat, the person she was talking to hastily found something else to do. "Fenrys, Emissary for Terrasen."

"So like a lord?"

"I guess so." I stopped walking an arms length away from her. "And you are?"

"None of your business," she snapped.

"Guess ill just call Jane Doe." Jane frowned looking up at me. "You got a problem with it, tell me your name." She just shook her head and stepped back.

"I don't care, as long as I'm not killed." Jane stepped around me and looked at the door. "So when can I leave for the safe place, haven thing."

"What are you talking about?" She looked at me confused.

"Where you keep the runaway slaves with no place to stay...because slavery is banned and you are helping them?"

"You're a slave."

"Yes." Jane snapped, "that's why I risked me and my family's ass to get here."

"Slavery isn't banned, only whips." I corrected and my stomach dropped at the same time her face dropped.

"What?" her voice was small, defeated.

"I'm sorry about that but I'll talk to Aelin about this and I'm sure she'll make sure you are safe."

Jane looked away and back at the door. Her posture slumped as if she was trying to make herself smaller so I didn't expect it when she turned and her fist slammed straight into my face.


Quite a lot of talking but oh well.

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