Chapter 2

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I never spoke out against how we were treated when Mathew did he was given twenty-one lashes from the whip and then left outside. We weren't forbidden from healing him or making sure no infection set in and because is a demi-fae the healing process was shorter than it would've been for Darius or I. When he finally healed the scarred skin on his back was ripped off, healed and then tattooed again.

The tattoos could never be tainted, nor could our skin. The damage to our bodies was said to injure our magic and that the tattoos would conceal it so we were trained so intensively that we could never be caught. If you can't be hurt you can't lose it. Though none of us knew any better as we were never taught about how magic worked.

We learned later that the gold decorating our bodies was just a way to show who we belong to. Our mark of slavery that could never be covered, and if it was destroyed we no longer belonged to our master and mistress.

Celeste and Micha said they picked us for certain reasons. They said we looked like fighters, felt like fighters. They were looking for centuries and never found anyone of interest. They said they wanted fighters that would be feared throughout our world and others. I didn't know if travelling between worlds was possible and they said it was and that the four of us would allow the ability to travel between the universe as many have done before.

We were hired by fae and humans to take out their enemies as assassins would do. We were hired to warm beds or guard anyone who could pay the prices but never paid for our services.

They dressed us up in expensive clothing and donned us with jewels of all varieties. We looked like royalty, felt like royalty but were called gods. Feared as if we were them and treated with respect by outsiders. Though we were no gods of kindness but as death and vengeance.

When the King of Adarlan wiped out all magic and we didn't lose ours, we were truly seen as gods and started questioning if we were ourselves, and when the true gods were killed by the queen of Terrasen we were treated with even more respect. We didn't lose our magic when no one else had it and we didn't die when our 'brothers and sisters were killed. And in those few months, we became even more fearsome. Though I'd rather be dead than feared and it turns out so would my family.


As soon as I got home a bath was in order, to remove the blood and also the feeling of the male on my skin. I should be used to it by now, the use of my body to kill and get my job done, but I'm not. I doubt I ever will be comfortable being touched that way. I give my consent but hate every second of those few and usually short minutes.

Whenever I get hired out for those jobs I spend a few days afterwards getting back into my own head and body. Those days I channel my anger into training or other jobs. If I can't find the energy to do that, laying in bed and sleeping all day is the best option. Sometimes the feeling of others' hands is too much and I turn to Darius or Mathew and busy myself with them. They know why I do it and don't complain, but it makes me feel worse.

The walk inside and up the stairs to my family's floor, at least that's what we call ourselves, floor helped me clear my mind. The house we live in usually burnt down after Darius kicked a rug in the living room into the hearth. It caught fire quickly and most of the place burnt down. Celeste and Mica moved us into one of the three floors in the main building and still don't know how the fire started.

It's kind of nice to be in the main building apart from the fact we are near Mica. Celeste isn't the one with the punishments, it's always Mica. he tells Celeste to break bones or to beat someone up.

Arguing sounded from the other side of the door to the sitting. My hand stopped on the handle as soon as I heard the muffled sounds of disagreement make their way into the hall. I didn't know exactly how to approach this situation. Usually when there is arguing, even if it's play, stuff ends up getting thrown.

I decide to do what would probably be the right thing and walk in... then change my mind almost two seconds later. "We can't keep living in these conditions, it'd be better to leave."

"I'd have to agree with that," my eyes flicker to Darius as he agrees with Mathew. Darius spoke rarely but if he did he wasn't lying.

"That is a dangerous idea-" my mother stood up "-you could end up dead, and Celeste and Mica could hear us talking and punish us."

Everyone was whisper yelling, if that was even a thing, in fear that someone outside would hear the conversation. "Well they both arent hear and I could only tell you guys were arguing, not what you were arguing about." I walked to my bed and placed my now clean clothes on my bed before muttering a spell that would make the room silent.

"Tell Mathew and Darius that they lost their heads on their last job Sarin," my mother, Maria, said facing me finally and gesturing to the males.

"Tell Maria she has lost her head thinking that we belong in this horrid place," Mathew stood from the bed he sat on and stepped towards my mother.

"Tell them that at least we are cared for here and running away would put a price on our heads." they were finally starting to yell at each other and furniture throwing would follow soon. "Tell them-"

"I honestly don't care about what you do but if you do run go to Terrasen," I collapsed on my bed frowning at the three's shocked expressions. "What? I don't care what you do just don't die."

My mother gasped almost too intensely, "you can't support this Sarin. This talk would get you all punished."

Mathew muttered something about how my mother would be punished too which resulted in a book being thrown at his face, there it is. I guess we do that from the fact that celeste prefers us to use violence and mica doesn't complain about that solution other than the fact that we shouldn't do it in public or at a formal event.

"Well, I've wanted to leave since we got here." that was the truth, I haven't wanted to be here for a long time, the only reasons I haven't left are the fact that I'd have no money and how there are people everywhere who would willingly turn me in to authorities or give me back to Celeste and Mica. "I only haven't left because there was nowhere to go. Now there is."


Finally decided on an updating schedule that ill try my hardest to stick to. I'll be updating every Sunday at around 9:00 pm GMT +10.

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