Chapter 10: The Black Market

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Steam escaped the small gap of the door. The door slowly opened revealing Asta wrapped in a towel. The boy walking to his room and on the way he met Noelle. The girl looked at him and blushed.

"You should change quickly, we're about to leave soon." Noelle said averting his gaze.

"Alright." Asta said. The boy walked into his room and locked it. He looked at the pile of shirts he had and realized they all looked the same. He only had one dark blue jacket he wore and one pair of pants. The boy quickly changed into his clothes and attached his grimoire pouch to his waist.

"How long is that boy gonna take?" Vanessa asked tapping the grass with her foot.

"He should be ready now." Noelle said with a blush. The girl didn't know why she was blushing. Ever since she saw Asta in the hallway she kept a blush on her face. Vanessa looked at the girl whose cheeks had a red tint.

"You alright Noelle?" She asked.

"Of course I'm alright." Noelle responded.

"Then why's your face all red? You haven't been drinking have you?"

"Of course not. I'm too young to drink, and I don't know why my face is red all of a sudden." Noelle said.

Vanessa approached the girl and put her hand on Noelles forehead. "Well you're not sick, so I guess you're fine." She said.

"I'm here." Said a low tone voice.

"Asta! About time you showed up." Vanessa said.

"I just came out of the bath and had to change." Asta said.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's get going times a-wastin'." The witch said getting on her broom.

Asta pulled out his sword and thought for a moment. Noelle looked at Asta and blushed once more, but a concern invaded her mind.

"Why not just share a broom with Vanessa?" Noelle asked.

"I don't want to trouble her. Besides, I think I can still fly on the sword." Asta placed the sword on the ground and stepped on it. He focused on a specific feeling, the feeling of anti-magic.

"I'll help you, but I still won't talk to you. You idiot."

Asta smiled brightly and felt his sword levitate. Noelle was surprised with how Asta flew on his sword, she didn't expect Liebe to give him anti-magic so easily. The girl smiled knowing that Astas brother still helped him, she saw the boy offer her his hand and she accepted the offer. The girl got on the sword and held on to his abdomen. Noelle blushed and Vanessa got a good look at the girl, she figured out what has been causing the girl to act so weird and was somewhat disappointed. Although, she didn't see Asta as a bad person, she just didn't see him being good for Noelle. With what she has seen from Asta and his behavior; the boy did say he was going to become a better person, but Noelle was a much kinder soul than him.

"Just follow me." Vanessa said as she began to fly on her broom.

Asta followed and was flying side by side with Vanessa. The witch gave several looks at him as they were flying. Asta looked back when noticing her gaze on him.

"Anything wrong?" Asta asked. Vanessa only shook her head. She didn't care too much of what Asta was doing, but of how Noelle was acting.

"Everything's fine. Although Noelle has been acting a little strange today. Everything alright with you Noelle?" Vanessa asked. The girl only hid her face in the boys back. She didn't know why she felt so nervous, but feeling Astas firm and hard muscles made her face blush even more.

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