Her Griefer Guardian (Magnus x F. Griefer Reader)

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(Y/N's POV)
I cackled maniacally as I ran away from another griefer.  This was the normal daily routine here in BoomTown. I had just moved here a week ago, and things are already crazy. So much so that I haven't slept since the night before my move. Then again, no one ever slept due to the constant risk of someone exploding your house or tent. Well, this backfired on me today.

While I was running away, I accidentally tripped over some debris from a previous explosion. My pursuer finally caught up to me, standing over me with a lit block of TNT. I gulped nervously because I had no clue what to do. I've never been in an up close situation before.

"What's the matter? Little noob scared~?" the male griefer chuckled down at me.

I gave a forced scowl, "N-No! Why w-woul-d I?!"

Just as he went to throw the block down at me, someone tackled him out of the way. I yelped and scooted back a bit. I heard an explosion followed by the griefer's screaming. I backed myself into a wall, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself.

A couple moments later, I saw someone walking towards me. He had green armor on with brown and gold accents. Along with that, he wore a pair of brown, steel toed boots and a black eye mask. His head was bald, probably from some freak accident involving TNT.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, the man had crouched down and extended a hand to me. I gave him a small, grateful smile and took his hand. He quickly pulled me up, causing me to stumble on him from my sore ankle.

"You alright there, kid?" he asked.

I nodded with a wince, "Yeah, just a sore ankle is all."

The griefer took a glance down at my ankle, noticing severe swelling and a bit of bleeding from a cut. He wrapped one of my arms around his shoulders while taking one of his arms around my back. He used his free hand to hold the one on his shoulder.

"Alright, come with me. Can't have you in all this chaos with that ankle," he said.

I nodded and hummed as he helped me walk back to his place. My eyes widened in awe as I took in the view while climbing the obsidian spire. It was incredible, and surprisingly, very safe considering BoomTown's lack of safety standards.

Once we were inside, he led me to a room upstairs. The room wasn't that big, so I assumed it was a spare bedroom for any guests he had. He gently laid me down in the bed before rolling up my pant leg to get a better look at my ankle. He crouched down beside the bed and gently felt around, causing me to wince when he hit a certain spot.

"Well, it's definitely sprained," he started while standing once again. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

I hummed and nodded as he made his way out of the room. I blushed slightly as some thoughts started to fill my head. Before I knew it, my face had become bright red. In the corner of my eye, I saw my reflection in the mirror. I started to take deep breaths and began to clear my mind.

Once my mind was cleared, I heard the griefer coming back. I took one last deep breath and let it out when he came back in. He sat on the bed before placing my ankle on his lap. He started to use the gauze and bandages to wrap up my wound. While he did that, I decided to start up some small talk.

"I never caught your name, what is it?" I asked.

He chuckled, "The name's Magnus."

My eyes widened when he said that. I recognized who he was. This was the king of BoomTown. I gulped nervously as I just continued to stare. He noticed this while putting on the brace and chuckled,

"So, you gonna tell me your name, or are ya just gonna keep staring?"

I shook my head and stuttered, "I-I'm s-s-so sorry. My n-na-ame's (Y/N)!"

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