The Potion Master's Apprentice (Aiden x Ivor)

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(Aiden's POV)
It's been a couple years since I last saw Jesse. I can remember the day like it was yesterday. Jesse had spared my life back when Sky City was being destroyed, and after about three years in the Founder's prison, I was finally released to become a citizen of the new city. However, I've been wanting to see Jesse and show him how much I have changed!

It took a while, but I convinced the Founder to show me the portal that would lead me back to my home world. I entered the Portal Hallway with her, amazed by how many different portals there were. She showed me which portal was the one I needed to go through before bidding me farewell. She headed back through the egg shaped portal, leaving me all alone in the front of the portal. I took a deep breath before stepping through the red aura.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw it. The gates to Beacontown were just a couple feet in front of me. My eyes lit up, knowing it meant I was only one step closer to finding Jesse again. While I was giddily running through the streets, I ran into someone. The force knocked us both off balance, but only I fell onto my bottom.

"Agh! Watch where you're going!" A familiar voice scolded me.

I shook my head before looking up at the person I almost tackled to the ground. My eyes widened when I saw long jet black locks of hair in front of me. The man turned to me, looking down with what looked to be a half scowl. My heart practically stopped as I stared into Ivor's eyes.

"H-Hey Ivor..." I stuttered as I clambered to my feet.

Ivor sneered, "What are you doing here?"

"I-I just wanted to see Jesse! I swear, I won't hurt him!" I said, trying to justify my visit.

With that, Ivor's demeanor changed immediately. I watched nervously as the scowl on his face turned into a mischievous smirk.

"You need to come with me then~" he purred.

Not even a moment after, he gently took my hand and started to guide me in a certain direction. I gave him a confused look when he led me to this stone skull house that had lava running from the mouth and eye sockets.

Before I knew it, he had forced me into the house. He slammed the door shut, locking it up behind us. I gulped nervously as he gently pressed me against the wall of his lobby. He took his hand to my chin, his dark brown eyes gazing into my soul.

"I-Ivor, what are you doing?" I stuttered.

He quickly covered my mouth and shushed me. "Don't worry, this won't hurt~" he growled softly.

My breathing became shaky as my nerves began to take over. My body stiffened as he leaned in towards my neck. I grunted in discomfort for a second as his cold, clammy lips grazed my sensitive skin. I felt my body shiver violently when Ivor took a hold of my hips. It didn't take long for me to finally embrace him, melting into goo in his hands.

After a couple moments, Ivor started to suck and bite down on some parts of my neck. This caused me to gasp deeply before letting out a loud moan. My hand absentmindedly trailed up to the back of Ivor's head. He grunted into my neck softly as I gently curled my fingers into his long, black strands of hair. He continued to nip and suck at my neck, leaving a small trail of hickeys along my neck.

Once he grew tired of doing that, he took a hold of both of my wrists and led me to another room. The room was painted a darker grayish color with lapiz blue trimming. Inside it had a queen size bed in the center and a potion desk on the opposite side of the bed facing the window. My face turned a bright red when I heard the door close and lock behind us. Barely a moment later, I turned around only to be pushed onto the bed.

"Gah!" I yelped in shock.

Ivor chuckled as he crawled on top of me, "What's the matter?~ Not used to that?"

"N-No! I'm n-not!" I stuttered, still in complete shock.

Ivor chuckled softly as he placed a kiss on my forehead. With that, he began to remove his robe before my armor.

(Ivor's POV)
Once I got my robe completely off and discarded of, I started to work on undoing Aiden's armor. I struggled a bit to get the chest plate off, causing Aiden to snicker slightly. I wasn't used to this style of armor, and I began to feel like an idiot. After watching me struggle for a bit, Aiden finally decided to help me out a bit. He gently pushed me away before undoing the chest plate and leggings. He looked back up at me, seeing the light pink blush flushing over my cheeks.

He chuckled softly, "What's the matter? Someone flustered?~"

I growled softly as I pushed him down onto the bed once again. "Are you saying I'm soft, boy?~" I asked huskily.

He growled softly, "Maybe~"

"Oh, I'll show you soft!" I barked back playfully.

This caused Aiden to gulp as I forcefully took a hold of his hips. He whined softly as the tips of my fingers dug into his soft hips. I slipped one of my hands under his boxers, gently pulling them down by the inner seam. Once they were fully off, I used my free hand to release my member from its confinement. I stroked myself a few times, causing it to harden up.

When it was fully up and ready, I gently pulled Aiden's hips close to mine while sitting up. I lifted him up slightly, just enough so the tip of my member was in front of his entrance. I slowly and gently pushed myself inside of him, bringing his hips down to meet mine. I grunted softly as his walls tightened around my hardened member.

"Ivor~" Aiden moaned softly.

I smirked and groaned as I started to pull out of him. Once only my tip was inside of him, I thrusted back in quickly. This caused him to yelp loudly in shock. I did this a couple times, finding a good pace to go at. When I found my pace, my hands took a grip on his hips once again.

After a little while of thrusting, I leaned down towards his neck and started to kiss it once again. I started to suck and bite over my original marking, making them turn a darker blackish-purple color. This made Aiden wince slightly as his moans became louder and louder. While I sucked and bit his neck, my thrusts started to get harder and quicker.

A couple moments into it, Aiden's core started to clench around my member harshly. The friction from his inner walls caused my manhood to start throbbing painfully. This made me instinctively start to go harder and faster into his core. My own core began to cramp and heat up from the tension that had been building up. I knew I was starting to get close to my climax when that began to happen.

Without warning, I finally fully lowered his hips onto mine, slamming my entire length into his core. I groaned deeply as I felt the lower half of my body start to relax. Aiden yelped softly before it melted into a soft moan. I took a couple deep breaths before pulling out of him. Aiden panted heavily, slowly sitting up in front of me.

"Ivor~" he purred.

I chuckled while fixing myself up, "Settle down, and we'll go see Jesse~"

The brown haired boy nodded before getting up and getting his armor back on.Afterwards, I showed him the way out and to Jesse's place. When we arrived, I showed him to the treasure room where Jesse, Olivia, Axel, Lukas, and Petra were chatting and catching up.

"Jesse! Look who came to visit you!" I exclaimed, motioning to Aiden.

Jesse looked up and smiled, "Oh hey, Aiden! What brings you here?"

"Well, I wanted to see you and show you how much I've changed," Aiden responded.

Jesse chuckled, "That's good, anything interesting happened lately?"

"Let's just say, I found a new apprentice!" I butted in, patting Aiden's shoulder.

Aiden blushed softly, "Y-yep! And I think I'll stay here for a while for this apprenticeship opportunity!'

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want! No need to feel the need to leave anytime soon!" Jesse responded with his usual smile.

Aiden smiled back, "Thank you, Jesse!"

I smiled softly and patted Aiden's shoulder. "I'll meet you back at the house later on. I gotta run some errands."

Aiden nodded, "I'll see you then!"

I chuckled softly as I made my way out of the room.

(Requested by @LP6606)

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