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Im in my Silk Sonic era so this is the song Harry is singing to Ella

Please enjoy it as much as I do

Ella Frazier

Harry and I woke up later than I had hoped. Somehow he managed to convince me to stay in bed after my alarm went off. I had planned for us to get up around eight-ish and hit the road, hoping to not get caught in traffic and what-not, but that didn't work out.

It's now noon, and we've been in the car for about an hour. Harry took the liberty of driving since he felt bad for holding us back for so long. I won't admit it to him cause I'm stubborn by nature, but I'm not mad that we stayed in bed longer than expected. It was nice to just be able to enjoy each other's company for a little while with no problems from the world around us.

Just us in our little bubble.

"Harry eyes on the road please," I tell him, looking up from his phone and shooting him a glare.

"Very hard with a distraction like you in the passenger seat," he says, pushing his sunglasses up from the bridge of his nose, bringing his attention back to the road in front of him.

"Well, I would like to make it to my parent's house alive," I say scrolling through his phone to find a new song to play, "So please try your best."

Harry brings his hand up to his eye, giving me a quick salute. I watch as he brings his hand to the volume knob, turning it up to an obnoxiously loud volume. He gives me a quick "OOH" as he shakes his head, pointing a finger at me and shaking it in my direction. I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion, wondering what he's freaking out about now.

"Great. Song." He says, clearing his throat as the first few lines of the song are about to start.

"I literally searched for a song I didn't think you would know," I laugh

"You failed miserably," He shoots back at me, belting into the lyrics as soon as he finishes his sentence

I lean my head against the window, pinching the bridge of my nose between my pointer finger and thumb, slowly shaking my head as Harry continues to loudly sing along to the song. At some point, I feel Harry's hand grab onto my shoulder, shaking me back and forth as he gets a little too into the song.

Once he lets go, I stay leaning against the window, fighting back every urge I have to burst out laughing at his energy right now. I find it hilarious that he was the one who was begging to stay in bed almost an hour ago, but now has the energy of someone who just drank six cups of coffee.

I feel Harry move closer to me, singing to the side of my head while I continue to ignore him in hopes that I don't crack, but I fail miserably once again when it comes to him.

I let out a laugh, joining Harry in singing along to the chorus of the song. "There she is," He shouts with a laugh, "I knew you would crack eventually!"

I give him a playful glare, rolling my eyes at him before leaning over and grabbing him by the chin, turning his head to face me, and planting a kiss on his lips. A sweet, quick kiss. I pull back, Harry still staying in his position,  completely facing me with a wide grin on his face.

"Harry the road!" I shout, waving my hand out to the front windshield.

Harry snaps his head back to the road in front of him, sitting straight up in his seat before he speaks. "Don't even yell at me like that one wasn't your fault, El!" he says, a toothy smile still slapped across his face.

"No clue what you are talking about, Styles."

"Yea yea," he mumbles under his breath, rubbing the top of my head with his hand and messing up my hair.

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