
993 33 236

Ella Frazier

I'm not usually like this.

If anything, I should probably turn around. I should turn around and pretend I never showed up here.

"That would be smart of me," I think to myself, letting out a huff of air and dropping my shoulders as I do. I reach for the handle of the big glass door, pulling on it so the door opens and taking a step inside.

The sound of my shoes tapping against the marble floor break the silence in the lobby. My eyes shoot to the receptionist sitting at the front desk, who is too focused on whatever is on the computer screen in front of her to give me any attention.

I'm not big on confrontation, but I have had enough.

I make my way over to her desk, stopping in front of her and setting both my hands on the top level of the desk. I flick my eyes around the desk, hoping to find a nameplate for her so that I can address her appropriately.


Slowly, she lifts her eyes from the computer, but only her eyes, keeping her head in the same locked position facing the computer.

"Can I help you?" She asks

"Wyatt Brown," I state

"What about him, Ma'am?" She lifts her head to me now

I bite the skin on the inside of my cheek, "Can you direct me to his office, please?"

Sarah blinks a few times at me before shaking her head, "No, I'm sorry I can't do that unless you have a meeting with him and..." she trails off, bringing her attention back to the computer. She clicks around on the computer a few times before looking back up at me, "It doesn't appear that you do."

"Okay fine, Harry Styles, can you show me to his office?"

"No, and for the same reason."

"You don't even know who I am. How could you possibly know that I don't have an appointment with either of them?" I fight back, raising my voice slightly at her.

Sarah furrows her eyebrows at me for a second, her eyes widening at my tone but she quickly recovers, "Ma'am, the best I can do is to give them both a call and let them know that you are here. Can I get a name for you?"

I roll my eyes at her, shaking my head in frustration. I suck in a deep breath, opening my mouth to answer but am beaten to it, "Ella?"

I spin around to see Wyatt standing just outside the doors to the elevator. I turn my head back to Sarah, who looks over at me once she notices that I am staring at her. I lift my eyebrows at her, pointing my thumb over at Wyatt to let her know that there was zero reason to give me a hard time over this.

"What a lovely surprise seeing you here," He says, opening his arms and slowly walking towards me.

I give him a small smile, walking towards him with open arms as well. We meet in the middle, Wyatt going in for a hug as I drop my arms, poking him in the side. Wyatt flinches, throwing his whole body to the side in a dramatic movement and turning to look at me with an expression that shows confusion mixed with disgust.

"What the hell?"

"Give my damn boyfriend a break from this place! I would like to see him for more than an hour in the next few weeks." I argue

"Ella, you seriously came here to yell at me for Harry's work schedule?" He drops his tone, one hand holding onto the side where I poked him and the other falling to his side.

"When you put it like that it sounds ridiculous but I'm going to ignore that fact, so yes, I did."

"Ok well, sorry we are a busy company," Wyatt mocks, throwing his hands up by his head and waving them slightly.

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